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A member registered Dec 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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huh, I just ran it again and no audio.  I don't know where the music was coming from then.  Well either way, its gone now.
Sorry about the confusion.

A big thing for me would be a mute button.  The music is very nice, but to mute it, I have to mute all things chrome/chromium.  That said, this is exactly the thing I have been hoping to see for a long time.  I really hope you expand on this idea even further.  I really enjoy it a lot.  I'd also love to see generations displayed in parallel in tiled windows, so I could watch a lot of them at the same without them being overlayed on top of each other.  But the priority for me would be an option to disable audio.  I suspect this will see a lot of run time!

It might be good, but it was too small to see what was going on.


Same issue.

This would be great with a bit more put into it.  Its oddly enough actually fun outside the joke aspect of it.


Try setting your shop to 'open'? Look at the inside of the front door to your shop.

This reminds me of the old Lemmings game I used to play on Amiga (and was available elsewhere), but in reverse. I like the concept, though the controls and events don't seem quite where they need to be just yet. I enjoyed it and look forward to seeing it on Android (it is clearly designed to be a mobile game), where it'll make a really excellent way to pass the time. I hope the graphics get an upgrade for higher resolution displays (both my computer, and phone are 1080p, but this didn't even look 720p, maybe 320p). The style is great, would like to see it more clearly.

It could also be fun to have, in addition to maybe some event timers (think cooloff period), for each of the events (put a timer in each corner with an icon representing the event that direction causes), perhaps multiple crystals you need to protect in the more challenging levels. I could see trying to manage a cave with 4 or 5 crystals in different locations, and trying to keep the miners away from all of them could make for some really fast-paced gameplay if each event had its own short timer/cooloff period.