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Unifox Game Studio

A member registered Oct 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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We use the latest version of Unity, and it sadly does not work on all phone. Nothing we can do sorry. Even on my phone it doesn't work, I'm using a friend phone to test the game 😅

Have you tried to play with the browser version? 

It seems this error happen if you've got imcomplete version of the game.

Redownload it might correct it. What version did you downloaded ? Also change the folder for another one

(1 edit)

Hi again !

I've rebuild the game, updated the links and the error is now fixed !

Thanks very much for the report ! 

Hi ! 

It's weird, can I ask you on what are you playing ? 

A downloaded version or on the navigator itself ? And on what plateform ?


Yeah, it seems to have a problem right at start, as you've got the basic text (the 145/s doubled)... You can use the wipe save button ?

Can you go to the settings and export your save and give it to me ? 
It would help a real lot !

Either you send it to, or here, or on discord ! 

Thanks a lot !

Hi !

Can I ask you on what version were you playing ? I'm gonna look into possible errors as soon as possible

Hi !

Thanks for the report !

We wanted the Ankha mouth to doesn't move because it's kinda her signature to be grumpy.

We're trying to make better facial expression on every scene, we've remade some of the scene to add more variety of look (Like she look down or up sometimes, she don't just stare at your soul) but it's not done on every scene yet. We plan to though.

For love interest thing, you can see the start of our work on this feature. In the Prestige Pavillion you can give prestige to your girl, by setting them special, favorite or love interest. It change the color of her name for now (And actually let you promote them to rank S+), but in the next version it's gonna have a real impact on the gameplay.

"Favorite" would make more money on work but will be more pricier (there will be a rank tax on the end game, still WIP)

"Love Interest" will make a lot less money on work, but when you check on them in sex scene, it's gonna be you everywhere. No more random guys or monster. 

The last one is to simply put the color you want on their name, without other effect.

We do plan to make a kinda gallery to the game. It's gonna be called "Wishing Well", it will be you and her only in it !

The idea to make a dating system is nice, maybe locking the gallery (The wishing well) with a love stat. It would need a new building to buy gift then... Interressing. New mood too, that would affect her stat maybe.

Finally, we do want to make the god (You) more customizable, we simply have to priorize work, but we want to add customization to it ;)

In case you didn't see, we've got a road map hosted on Trello.

We put everything we want to add in it, so feel free to check it out :) And if you like what you see, feel free to support us on Patreon

I didn't put any password in it. Whatever it's asking you, it's something from your PC ... It's weird that it ask you a password, are you sure it's not your password of the PC ? Like it try to launch it on admin mode maybe ? Really weird ... Stupid question but did you try to download it again and put it in another location ? 

Well, yeah, you can try a chmod command, but as it seems to already recognize it as an application, I'm not sure it would do something.

Anyways, you can try doing this : 

sudo chmod +x [The application folder]/Contents/MacOS/*

It should look like this if this was in your application folder : 
sudo chmod +x /Applications/Nymphomania\ Fantasy\*

The "\ " from "Nymphomania\ Fantasy\" are necessary to be recognized as white space, at least I think, as I'm not myself a user of MacOS, but based on my research it should be like this. If needed, you can rename the app without whitespace

Hope this will resolve the issue

Sorry to hear that. Does there's anything more than that ? Like an error code or something ?

What do you mean ? What happen when you play ?

No they doesn't, sorry

We've just came to create an adaptation of the scene for android here :

The city building aspect is left away for a more simplier gameplay, using the scene of N:FT

Are you talking about Idle Brothel?

No, sadly we didn't got a correct result on it with Android

We've just came to create an adaptation of the scene for android here :
The city building aspect is left away for a more simplier gameplay, using the scene of N:FT

(1 edit)

Hi, thanks for the report !

Damn tutorial, there was a stupid error, I resolved it and updated the version of the game. Thanks again for the report.

You can send it to or join our discord to send it to us.

Thanks !

We are sorry to hear that, we didn't had this bug with our macOS bêta tester.

Could you share with us your player.log so we could resolve it ? It's located here on mac : 

  1. ~/Library/Logs/Unifox Game Studio/Nymphomania Fantasy Town/Player.log

Hi, are you playing on macOS or on windows ? 

I will investigate to can resolve it on the next version (who will come soon)

The February is available for the patreon already, for the public version /, it will be on March 4th (completly unlocked)

Thanks you for the comment :)

Thanks you very much :)

At the right of the "people" stat there's a small button with a beer, it's this one.

Thanks a lot for the comment !

(1 edit)

Hi !

Don't worry, you're not the only one, it's not clear enought. I will add a small description in the build mode on building to know what they do, because there is actually a building to automate their work.

Build a "Worker Sanctuary" and follow the "?" on his special scene and you will can automatize everything.

I suggest strongly to get at least 3 workers assigned here, with hight obedience to ensure no loss. 

Hi ! Thanks for letting us know, could you share your player log ?

On mac it's located here : 

~/Library/Logs/Unifox Game Studio/Nymphomania Fantasy Town/

You can send it to us on discord or by mail :


I'm working on it right now, but it's gonna take some times as it mean reworking almost all control.