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Such a cool game and a ton of fun to play! Love the boss fights and game design, the art is consistent and well done, and the music was a great choice. I like that there's a choice of ships to play with. The distinct bullet patterns and phases for the boss fights was very well done. Excellent job!

Thank you for the feedback! ^_^ I will be continuing to update and add content as I have time!

what I did for my game was set up a timer and when it’s triggered it runs the code to fire then sets the timer to a random range and starts it again per enemy instance. Maybe not the most efficient but it was simple haha! 

As for the left click variety I should have specified better, I meant specifically some variation in the audio so it’s not as repetitive.  And I definitely felt the pain on running out of time myself. Again, great work on your project. 

One of my favorite Jam entries so far. The music, art, gameplay, and idea are all top notch. Huge W!

Love the implementation of the consequences theme into the gameplay. Visuals are cohesive and I enjoy the unique art style. Fun gameplay loop, the ability to pick which elements you want on the map makes the game for me. Nice job!

A very unique and fun gameplay loop! I managed to clear the first level without purchasing items and once you get enough coins to buy items it makes beating the rest of the game doable. Fantastic retro aesthetic, and I actually like the soundtrack quite a bit. It fits beautifully. Like some of the other comments I found the purchase menu confusing but considering it's a game jam I wouldn't knock the project for it. Fantastic work! 

Such a seamless blend of story, visuals, audio, and gameplay mechanics. The unexpected rhythm game combined with the challenging bullet hell gameplay had me grinning. I really appreciated the way the story affects the gameplay in a meaningful way and I loved the unique patterns. Huge win in my book. Great job!

The fact that you coded all of this outside of an engine just makes it even more impressive. The squid movement and damage effects are beautiful. Very neat concept, quite fun. I wish there was an ability to block/destroy starfish for a short period. Great job!

Really neat concept. The fry attacks felt impossible to dodge but really solid effort for a one day project! Nice job!

Really neat concept. The fry attacks felt impossible to dodge but really solid effort for a one day project! Nice job!

Really neat concept. The fry attacks felt impossible to dodge but really solid effort for a one day project! Nice job!

Really enjoyed this one, felt like a nice switch up of the classic asteroid shooter games I used to play as a kid. The idea of bullets bouncing in the arena was a great way to implement the theme of consequences into the game. Nice work!

Very cool little game! The twist on Flappy bird is awesome and it feels pretty polished. I would definitely play this on my phone. It would be nice to be able to have a Play Again button at the end to get back into the action instead of having to reload the webpage. Nice job!

Thank you! That is good feedback, as I continue development I will make some adjustments to the projectiles to make them more visible. I appreciate you taking the time to leave feedback!

Such a cool game, the art style is unique and it's well polished! I really love the different paths available depending on how you play, a great way to implement the Jam's theme into the game. Definitely on the harder side but it's bullet hell so fits the theme perfectly. Nice job!

Yeah I had bigger plans for the ending/scope of the project but ran out of time :'D

I really appreciate the feedback, thank you!! I'll take it into account as I continue development! 

I like the concept, the idea of a baby voldemort running around shooting spells is ludicrously funny. I would have liked to see a clickable attack and possibly more attack types. The level sprites also appeared to be glitching. Would love to see more progression on the idea, art style gives me Binding of Isaac vibes!

Really cool concept! I love the art design and the gameplay loop is fun. Suggestions would be to make the arrows more visible, randomize the enemy projectile spawning a little bit, and add some variation to the left click attack. Nice job!

Sweet game! The aesthetic and design are fun. The beginning waves start out a little slow but overall I like it! Looking forward to seeing more of it!

This is my first game jam submission, and in fact first real game I’ve ever made. It’s been a huge learning process and for that I’m grateful.