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A member registered Jan 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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When Cookie salad 2 ? 

( saying it to myself)

How to use this app?

I also have this prolem.Just reload game!

Good job!

How difficult it is without jumps ... And the movement of the camera does this. That if this game was on Nokia, we would all think that it is the coolest. Camera movement really makes the hero come more alive

How difficult it is without jumps ... And the movement of the camera does this. That if this game was on Nokia, we would all think that it is the coolest. Camera movement really makes the hero come more alive

How difficult it is without jumps ... And the movement of the camera does this. That if this game was on Nokia, we would all think that it is the coolest. Camera movement really makes the hero come more alive

the scariest jam game. However, I did not expect to see such an RPG at the jam. YOU have done a lot of work

Is the progress saved? I just want to play it later

Another game that evokes nostalgia and a retro feeling is better. More than half of the Pixel Indie games in the world

You have gone beyond the usual "mini style" and the game feels very interesting just because of this funny thug

Icon of game looks very well

(1 edit)

Honestly, I'm surprised how you made the game, but it gives me the same feeling as "Bouncing Ball" from my physical Nokia. I wouldn't be surprised if this game could be ported to my Nokia. (And you can turn it into a bagel for the next jam)

and sad is game to small

I have been developing some small games for 3 years. And I want to say my opinion. Everything is perfect here (I'm not flattering), I really like this game, the secrets, the collectible books and the character. It reminded me of wonderful and equally wonderful childhood flash games. I think that the game has potential and if you finish it, you will take your rightful place among the indie games of the world

(it's a bit like platformer levels with geometry dash 2.2)

I love this effect , I need to try recreate this

I`m not so lucky but this ideal puzzle for Nokia!

Thaank you

Have you played WarioLand 4? If you like such games, I advise you to play them sometime

Thank you!

Thank you!  The game is also too hard for me XD

So cool bro , game  looks like ccana get 123147 ubdates

Text is bag , before game upload this text bee a green

Hello, I'm Darkerd, the artist of this game. I plan to finish the game to a complete state. However, there is a chance that it will not be Nokia style

I never played Caleste and this game for me too hard ,  please make tutroial how to  play this game

Very good job bro! I am very surprised by the quality of work, despite the large number of bugs, it is still an interesting idea and I hope to see further new versions of the game

ReReMixed Jam community · Created a new topic Theme

Bonus theme of ReReMixed Jam is cookies


  • Zigg replaced
  • StoneBlue replaced
  • Items Icons Replaced

You may not use the theme if you have an idea for "reremix"


ReReMixed Jam community · Created a new topic Hey
(1 edit)

Guys , thank you for join !!!

lol , i`m died

If you need one programmer, I can help you. I even want to participate in this project (for free)

tap to points on map to set level

Delete Unity Game Jam community · Created a new topic Guys

I hope that there will be an exact theme for the game, I don't want to participate if there is no such characteristic

ssory , this only bug

(1 edit)


Thank you

1. In the remake, I will give the hero the opportunity to hit with his hands

2. Yes, I wanted to make a map in the shape of my country

3. I don't like that you think that this is connected to the war in Urkain, it is about Ukraine itself and my favorite places

for the levels, I took the Association with our cities as a basis. But super maximized them

thank you , I can fixed this

you mean that it was too difficult, or that you physically could not leave the first level. You may have enabled hardmode

Thank you