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A member registered Aug 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks Zaxtor for making a video about our game. It’s amazing to see people adore the things we make, especially enough to make a video about it and we’re glad you enjoyed it. Have a good one!

Thank you for the notice, the game should be up now

Greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Yea, maybe a bit of a better tutorial to get the idea across, didn't have time though :P. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Should be working now!

(1 edit)

It is 100% possible for you to have the source code, i have just added a link back to the Ludum Dare website in the description, you should find it next to the bold text "Source Code". The source code should be the whole unity project, so it is as simple as unzipping it and opening it up in unity.

(2 edits)

Link to page!

A game that shrinks you into the position of a pity soldier figurine. But alas, the enemies are still epic and powerful and it is your duty to defeat them. Only one thing, just remember that this is happening on a coffee table...

This is a game where it places you on a coffee table to fight other enemies. Here's a challenge, learn the mechanics of the game and try to beat it. If you do, take a screenshot of the victory scene, comment it on the page and tell me how it went. I would love to see some people complete the game.

This game was made in 72 hours for the Ludum dare 38 challenge with the theme of "A Small World". My team and I sure did bust a lot of time and effort in making this game. It still needs a whole tone of polish, but everything is needed to call it what it is, "a game". Well, I sure do hope that you will check out the game and give it some feedback, would love to see your opinion on it. Anyway, I'll stop ranting, good luck to you and have a nice day.