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A member registered Apr 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hello, community.

Here I present to you Mountain Rescue: Kings of Highs (*cough* first alpha build *cough*).

Mountain Rescue: KOH - Download and play the beta

This is the second serious game I'm trying to develop, the idea is to create a 2D Metroidvania, mountaineering, precision platforming thing. I want to focus on exploration, orienteering, and map reading skills, so I designed the game to be a little more grounded than other Metroidvania-style games because of this the game can be pretty slow at times but I think it suits the atmosphere just fine.

This is also my very first attempt at in-depth storytelling in a videogame, I'm no stranger to writing, I've written very short stories before but interactive storytelling is a completely different beast so I would really like your thoughts on that front, admittedly right now is all very minor setting and not much else but still I would love to hear your opinions. Finally, please take into consideration that a lot of the things in the game are placeholders. I'll replace all with unique and more tonally fitting stuff in the future but for now and as a way to gather feedback I hope is enough.

Hi everyone.

After 20 month of instense work, I finally released my first game, Square vs Triangles.

Square vs Triangles is a 2D platformer inspired by the 90's classics like Super Mario World, Crash Bandicoot and Rayman to name a few. The game is desing for those player who want a simpler platformer with easy-to learn mechanics where the gameplay take the front sit over everything else.

The game boast many gameplay centric features like diferent games modes (Regular, Time trial and One shot mode), a bunch of collectable of diferent types for the completisionist out there, dinamic and intense boss fights, etc.

The game art style if based (partially in my lack of proficiency) in simple shapes used to represent  everything in the game, almost every visual assest was made using only the simple shapes in the image editor. Squares, triangles, circles and ovals are used to obtain an art style that looks cartoony, expresive and charming. The design of the characters follows the same philosophy to create character that are simple but expresive and full of personality.

(pay no attention to the low quality of the gif, I have to super compressed so i could post it here)

-"That great, but you want me to buy your game just on your word?"

Of course not.  Been a lover of old practices, there is also a DEMO available for those who wish to test the game before buying, and in the spirit of yore the DEMO contains a sizable part of the game.

available for windows and linux OS.

Also you can unlock a costume to play as batman, well a Square dressed up as batman but you get the idea.

Thank you all for your support  : )

This is fantastic, is a little hard to get use to the controls but the visual, the sound fx's and the gameplay are incredibly well done. Can't wait to play to complete game. :)