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A member registered Feb 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Glowing mushroom disapeared when I tried to take it and couldn't complete the puzzle. Otherwise it was a nice game. I really like the tree structure and the shaders. Nice.

Glowing mushroom disapeared when I tried to take it and couldn't complete the puzzle. Otherwise it was a nice game. I really like the tree structure and the shaders. Nice.

Feels like a show of concept for a really cool game. With demonstration of possible mechanics.

Kinda wish there was more of it instead of just two uses for each ability. But I realy liked the visuals and how there was a clear story without need to spell it out.

Nice job, guys.

Feels like a show of concept for a really cool game. With demonstration of possible mechanics.

Kinda wish there was more of it instead of just two uses for each ability. But I realy liked the visuals and how there was a clear story without need to spell it out.

Nice job, guys.

but seriously, it's a nice idea and it has fitting visuals
the contol of all of them at once is absolute hell, but I guess that was intentional, so I guess congrats on that :)

cool... I hate it :)

(1 edit)

Realy good game. Would prefere if A and D didn't move the slider at the same time as moving the camera. Also some option to look at the book beforehand would be nice, but the added screenshots are a good substitude. Feels bit stressful to read while the time is running out.

I managed to get to day 8, but only because I had very successful first 2 days and then it went downward from there.

Also I would like to thank for the initial tutorial. Something I don't usualy expect in jam games. :D

Thanks :)

Good question... when you find out, let us know.

I hate rocks. ಠ_ಠ

Přestaň o nás roznášet takové věci.

Všichni co jsme na tom pracovali pocházíme z civilizace, nikoliv z Brna.

If I'm in different country, will it mean I will have to go by the organizers time, or do I need to do it in our daylight saving hour?

Made god so angry it all came back to normal. I just had to keep pressing it long enough for the speed to rotate it whole in one frame. :)

Made god so angry it all came back to normal. I just had to keep pressing it long enough for the speed to rotate it whole in one frame. :)