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Tom Kitchen

A member registered Feb 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you :) I hope to make more little things like this too.

Hi, thanks for the kind words - and for taking the time to make a video :)

Hi there. I recently released a very tiny interactive fiction sort of game.  It's just a couple waiting at a bus stop having a quiet conversation. The game was made over the course of about 3 or 4 days.

This was a very personal piece to me - I made a point to be more direct with the writing and setting. It was both daunting and refreshing to not hide things behind abstract prose or surreal environments, to just focus on the heart of the thing.

If you've got a couple mins spare you can play it here. I hope you enjoy :)

Hey. So I've just released EMPORIUM. A little game I've been working on for the past 7 months or so.

Emporium is a short interactive vignette. Exploring notions of escapism, loss and a fragmented sense of self in the wake of a personal tragedy.

These pockets of dissonant clarity are a vain effort to find beauty, poetry and reason in one's bleakest and most desperate moments.

Emporium is a small game lasting roughly 30 to 45 minuets. It has a minimal approach to game play, focusing on visuals and audio to build a visceral experience with sporadic dialogue choices leading the narrative.