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Toby Yasha

A member registered Mar 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Not the dev, but this may be due to Safari not being able to play OGG files.

I don't know what game "Heroes" is, but my main inspiration behind the game were 2 games(Mighty Party and Super Auto Pets)

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that my game, Dominate & Conquer has been finally released on

Dominate & Conquer is a team based autobattler where you create a team of 6 units + 1 special unit, the king.

The goal of the game is to protect your king from enemy attacks and do anything in your power to defeat the opponent's king.

The game also has some tactical elements to it, while the game is an autobattler you still have control over the placement of your unit in a grid and additionally the spells of your king.

I still have to work on a more up to date gameplay video + a trailer which will be useful for the eventual steam release.

For now this is all i have to say and if you end up giving the game a try then thank you!


Gameplay Video:

Oh! You are right! I was only thinking about posting a trailer when i make one, but i didn't think about a gameplay video for some reason.

I posted a link from my youtube channel here and thanks for the suggestion!

That's most likely a pirate website or a scam website, you may want to report it to the creator.

You have a higher chance of reaching him on twitter than here.

(1 edit)

Looks interesting.

I'll give it a try when i'm a bit more free.

The Slice & Dice inspiration is a nice bonus addition since that's one of my recent favorite games.

Also, slightly unrelated but i like how clean the UI looks.(i'm a sucker for UI design)

Yes and thank you for your suggestion.

Wow, these looks amazing.

I'm not sure. Why do you want to do so?

I see, so these are the mods that you have installed, personally i wouldn't worry since most of them don't do much under the hood. But if you want to modify the mods in any way feel free to do so.

By the way, the Infinite Stamina mod is meant for Fear & Hunger Termina, you can check the itch page as every mod is listed there with a "mod scope" section too.

As for your crash, it might be due to the game not having enough memory to run, i did have the game crash on me like this once so this would be my best guess.

You can try playing the game with less programs open and see if you are still encountering this problem.

Lag? i haven't heard of mods causing lag, at least not mine.

Crashes? Depends, but if there's an error caused by the mods i usually fix it.

Now, it's worth keeping in mind that the unmodded game can be laggy and can also be prone to crashes at times, so it's no surprise that you encountered these circumstances.

But since we're on the topic, what is the F&H that you modded and what are the mods that you are currently using?

What is the crash that you encountered?

This way i could possibly determine what's going on.

Also i'm glad that you found the mods useful, cheers!

The "MOD_LIST" is located inside of the TY_ModLoader.js file

So in order to make the TY_ModLoader load mods for you, you have to open it with a program like notepad and then put the name of the mod files inside the of the "MOD_LIST" section.

Example: The 99 Enlightenment Books mod filename would be TY_FnHFreeSaves so you add it as 'TY_FnHFreeSaves' into the "MOD_LIST" section.

The index.html should only be edited in order to add the TY_ModLoader.js file.

You shouldn't be using the index.html to launch the game, only use the Game.exe file.

You can also try re-reading the instructions inside the TY_ModLoader.js as this explain the whole process.

Let me know if you managed to get the mods to work, cheers!

Yes, they are.

From your first screenshots everything looks good and should have been working.

But the thing that stands out to me is the "Fear & Hunger 2 Cheat", is this a modded version of the game?

Asking this because i would usually see the file path start more like this "Fear & Hunger 2 Termina"

Alternatively you can try loading the free soul stones or the hexen menu mod to see if the problem is with only 1 of them.

Hey there!

In order to mod your game first things first is to get to the folder containing your game.

If you got the game from Steam it should be somewhere along the lines of:

Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fear & Hunger 2 Termina

I think it's easier with since they give you the whole folder already so you can find it much easier.

If you now have access to the game folder the next step is to download the TY_ModLoader.js file and open it in a program like notepad.

 This file is used to tell the game what mods to load, but the most important part is that it also contains a tutorial in how you should set up your mods.

Let me know if you managed to get the mods working on your side.


I'm very sorry for taking so long to look at this.

In your first screenshot you don't seem to have added the "TY_ModLoader.js" file to the "index.html" contents.

At the top of the "TY_ModLoader.js" file the first tutorial step mentions adding a specific line to the contents of the"index.html" file.

But if you did do that and it still doesn't work let me know and i'll try responding faster this time around.

Late response but you shouldn't need switches in order to gain items.

Plus the skin bibles themselves are only meant for reading, as they don't seem to activate anything in-game.

Ritual circles and engraving might be tied to god affinity instead.

Only thing i could quickly find was this example of a soul being given in game after a battle.

They are switches.

I know it's probably early to ask for this, but will there be more packs in this exact style in the future? I really like it.

I'll keep that in mind for the next mod update.

It will have to wait a bit though since i'm currently working on my own game.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Can you show me the following files by making some screenshots of them:

- TY_ModLoader.js (to know what mods you are using)

- Index.html

Also, just to confirm is this the mod in question?

A new mod which lets you enter the hexen from the menu is now available.

It will also not advance the time

This has been fixed, along with other mods which were suffering from a similar issue.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

I'll look into this a bit later, items being given only 1 time sounds doable.

And by items being given at a slower pace i'm not sure what you mean by that?

Sounds strange, but in order to help you i need more details of what's going on.

When you say it clashes with the lucky coins and soul stones mods does that mean you either get a different item, an invisible item or no item at all?

And as for the detailed equipment stats i'm not sure what could be wrong right off the bat, so this might require some screenshots to get a clue.

Thanks for reporting these issues!

Unfortunately i'll have to delay this request for a bit since s0mthinG's request ended up taking me a bit longer to finish.

The game can't show you all the skills at once since there's not enough display space.

Use your up/down arrows keys or w/s keys to scroll inside the window that displays your skills.

So the mod to gain skills works in F&H1, but not in termina?

(1 edit)

I'll try giving it a look tomorrow to see if i can do it too, otherwise i'll leave it for the day after.

Sure, i'll do it after i take care of s0mthinG's request.

Sure, i'll take you on your offer.

But i got a couple of questions.

1. Since the two games are pretty similar do you want this to be done for the both of them?

2. What classifies as "incoming damage" in game? 

The only thing that comes to mind is the enemies that can shoot you in the overworld in Termina.

 But since i don't play the games that much i might be missing something.

3. What would be affected by this "game clock"? 

For instance for the first F&H game i can understand that it may have to do with le'garde, but again, i need more details here.

If you want to you can contact me on discord so we could talk more: tobyyasha

Could you provide a screenshot of the issue?

Really like the design!

From what i've heard from other people using them i think they should be.

It looks like you are trying to use Termina only mods in Fear & Hunger 1.

Try removing the following mods from your TY.MOD_LIST to see if the problem persist:

- TY_FnHInfiniteStamina

- TY_DetailedEquip

- TY_YEP_ItemCore

- TY_FnHRemoveOverlays

If you are unsure about mod compatibility you can always check the itch page which has all mods listed with a "Mod Scope" section under each of them.

Let me know if you need further help!

You mean you don't know where?

If you have the steam version you should look for the game folder like so:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fear & Hunger 2 Termina\www

The itch version should be more simple since you can decide where the game gets downloaded.

If that's not what you meant then you should check the TY_ModLoader.js file which contains further instructions.

You can open the TY_ModLoader.js file in notepad to see its contents.

Let me know if you need further help!

(1 edit)

Looks like one of your function in the TY_ModLoader got messed up, perhaps an unintended edit.

What i meant is that the following line is not correct:

TY.isModAdded = fun',ction(modName) {

Because it should  look like this, this is the correct line:

TY.isModAdded = function(modName) {

Can you try editing the line that's not correct with the second line i posted here?

It's just a matter of copy and pasting it in place of the old one, that's all.

Then we can see if this fixes up the issue.

Could you provide a screenshot of your TY_ModLoader opened in notepad?

Make sure the mod list is visible and up close.

You should open the index.html file with a program like notepad in order to edit its contents.

To know if you are in the right place, are you currently in the "www" folder? 

If yes then that's the file correct file, even if it doesn't show you the ".html" extension at the end.