Thanks! I would have liked to make it so that each level is randomly generated so that it's different every time but I wasn't sure exactly how to do that. I will look into it in the future though :)
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Glad to hear you liked it. Not sure why I chose J, it just fits into place when both my hands are on the keyboard, what would you like to press to switch if it were entirely keyboard based. Also, for the continue, I did try to make it get any input from the keyboard but I couldn't seem to make it work. Space didn't work either so I just made a button that covers the screen. I can work it out in a later update though.
I'm not sure if I was playing it right because I hired a few guys and then just ended up spamming assign on all the jobs and they worked, the money just went up and up so I hired more people. Ended up at level 6 with like 22k, probably could have gotten more too. It was quite fun though. I did like the 3D background with the 2D characters. The menu was cool too - with the different show/hide tabs, and using the scroll wheel to go through hires was quite good. Was there supposed to be images on each of the jobs or are they just blank placement sprites? All in all, decent game! :)
I don't think there are any boundaries so the player can just wander off lol. Also maybe you could make it clearer that you have to press once to activate the QTE and then again to steal the hat. Its a good start to a good game, I can't see where it goes from here! I like the characters too, reminds me of Stardew Valley characters.
I love the characters you used, there's a great variety of hats. The layout of the town very much reminded me of pallet town in pokémon or something of a similar vibe. Good choice in music. The stealth meter doesn't work from the right, so like when you stand on the right of a character and try to steal, it doesn't work properly (it gets stuck). Also it was a bit small when playing, I had to zoom in my browser. Aside from that its a great game: nice art style, good movement, and cool characters.
I like the game, its a fun idea. The thought of someone stealing hats with a fishing rod from a rooftop is quite comical. I found that its easiest if you stay at the far right of the building, less obstacles. There were instances where the hook was swinging way too much and I wasn't sure how to stop it so I lost my last two lives. The music is good, however if no hats are collected, the music stops. If you wanted to add more challenge to it, make some hats more valuable - like the top hats as 3 points. That way, the player has to choose whether the hat they see is worth the time spent trying to retrieve it. Overall, it's a pretty good game :)
I liked the visual aspect of the game, it was pretty cool the way the 3D space was designed. Very eerie how the player was in a sort of facility but it was completely empty. The only signs of life was the remains of people, the hands, the bones and other belongings. Very nice demo, the full game is going to be so cool :)
That opening story adds onto the game and makes the player more invested in the game. I love how the title screen slowly lights up, like one bit is highlighted, then the next and then the title is emphasised. The slow eerie music adds a nice touch. I very much like the pixel art, the layers moving at different speeds greatly adds to the motion of the game. The enemy animations are quite good and I like the range of enemies; the zombies, eyeballs and bats. To be honest, I suck at the game so that's as much as I saw XD but it was pretty good nevertheless. Good work! :)
I like the music, a good chord progression with a nice melody over it. I like the way you used the 4 colours, making outlines for the characters/ducks. I like the look of the game when you first click on it, the menu is very well designed. I would suggest for the audio sliders that you adjust the increments. Maybe give options out of 5, I just feel that allowing that much small changes to the slider is more for a game where you can use your mouse to change it. One thing I experienced was that on my first run through, on the first level, I got stuck on the last duck. I couldn't get the duck and run far enough away from the enemy because it kept catching up causing the duck to run away. I also didn't have a trap so maybe it was bugged? Worked fine the second time though, was able to get all 3 ducks. Anyways, the boss at the end was really good. I liked how there were flashes on screen where the boss would attack and then you have to dodge it. Would be cool if you were able to trap the boss tentacles to maybe limit how far they could reach or maybe to disable some of the tentacles in the later stages. Overall it was a great game :)
Thanks for the feedback! I hadnt heard of coyote time or jump buffering before but I'll definitely consider adding it. I have been working on a post-Jam version and I've done my best creating new sprites for everything that hopefully look better. I'm not the best with design but when the new version is released, feel free to review it and let me know what I can do. Thanks :)
This is a fun spin on flappy bird, really nice. It was only here that I remembered...I sucked at flappy bird XD
Really simple controls, which is always good. Only issue I had was that I was able to go through a bit of the barrier at times, not a major concern but maybe a few of the collision boxes need adjusting. I liked the random generation of barriers. Took a good few attempts (because of how bad I am) but somehow I was able to get to the end, that was a really interesting ending. I liked how the eyes opened as you got nearer to the end. Nice game :)
The graphics were quite good, I liked the backgrounds but I think they need to be resized or the player resized to fit the room they're in. The story was good. The tutorial text was a good way to teach players the controls. Also, something I always like in games is when the text box displays the text as if it were being typed. I just think its really cool so well done with that. Typing out the spells is a really cool feature, how it slows down time for the user to cast it in time, nice touch. Nice game :)
The levels are going to be changed post-Jam because I couldn't do much in the given time. I'm not 100% sure on what you mean by the lamp is clanky, if you mean how it shows the hidden objects too quicky then I'd like to let everyone know that I'm working on a way for it to potentially reveal the hidden objects gradually (as the light passes over them). Thanks for the feedback regardless! :)