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A member registered May 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Yes, I actually rigged the hog using unitys 2d tools which are already great combined with the PSB importer. To rig it yiu ofc need different parts of it on layers but then its quite easy to animate.

Great Game!, I loved the lighting and pixel art, the levels were creative and fun. But i couldnt figure the 9th level out.  Also is it ment to be that you can push around the player as well as monsters using blocks even before pressing play?

Hmm, i always got stuck on those spikes and died sincei couldnt jump, then the npc game but my game kinda froze idk, the concept u explained in the about seems cool though.

It is a very cool game, i really enjoyed picking out a strategy for the elements, I didnt quite get it how the cards fought each specific monster but it was quite nice, the art is also quite cool.

Its quite short but it seems like it would have a deeper storyline, great start!

The controls are quite difficult but i really like the background music and the concept.

The speed at which the enemies are appearing is impossible for me. ALso the sprite sizes didnt really fit its pixel sizes together. The concept is awesome though.

Nice little game, but I was pretty easily able to just drag the hamster to the seed easily

The controls were hard to get used to. The mechanic is fun though and the  final listing of the score is very well done.

Very fun game, i Really enjoyed the clean graphics. 

Some Instructions could be very useful, struggled finding out the mechanics for some minutes. After that i enjoyed it, even though it was quite easy.

Had me thinking a bit. Im not a big fan of programming logic games but this one is fine. I enjoyed the shaders.

I enjoyed the music and the post processing effects, game play wise i didnt understand how that swap mechanic worked.

I enjoyed the music and the post processing effects, game play wise i didnt understand how that swap mechanic worked.

I didnt quite catch reversed roles in this game but i enjoyed it a lot. Classic tower defense game, very cool

Simple game but a lot of fun. So much anxiety...

Pretty cool game. Reminds me of that one arcade game i cant remember the name of.

Its fun to play but gets  abit  boring after you played it for some rounds

So fast paced and quick. A bit to quick for my liking.I enjoy the concept though.

A good foundation for a cool platformer.

Quite fun to play. the draggin mechanic could be a bit smoother. The mouse has to be on the shape to drag it. It would be nice to have an outer radius where you can drag it. The shapes look pretty scary with eyes

Decent game. I like the idea of a strawberry farm and a slime collecting them. Where do the evil strawberries come from though?

Also you can still play the game whilst in the dead screen. You could fix that maybe. And also "you dead' doesnt sound as nice as "you died" for a death message

Decent game. I like the idea of a strawberry farm and a slime collecting them. Where do the evil strawberries come from though?

Also you can still play the game whilst in the dead screen. You could fix that maybe. And also "you dead' doesnt sound as nice as "you died" for a death message

Its quite hard to pickpocket money from people, thats how it should be. I like it. its a grindy game. I just wish there was something more to do. Some more features. Like an ingame shop where you can buy upgrades.

Sadly i was not able to play the game since for me the zip folder did not contain a .exe or a game file.

Those kind of games are really cool but this is a special one. The building mechanic is very cool and the unique enemies are always fun to face. I haven yet found out how to score points though.

Pretty cool story and idea. I just dont know what the coins are for. Do they represent the score? And is there any leaderboard that im able to see?

Controls feel evry intuitive and nice. Seeing all the coins spin at the same time is very satisfying,. THe score and time was a  bit bugged but thats fine. In the end it said my score was 0...

I do not see any game uploaded. So sadly i cannot play it.

Whoa! Such a spooky and terrifying game. The assets look awesome and the gameplay is fun. Pressing the keys that quickly is pretty hard though.

Thanks! We are already aware that web based games earn way more views and plays but since we implemented the last features 30 minutes before the jam ended we didnt want to risk converting the project into a Web application.  Next jam we will for sure think about that earlier.

Very satisfying and cute game. I really like the artstyle. The Frog seemed a little out of place with all the computer files but at the same time it is also a great idea!

The music is interesting... Does the game increase in diffulty because it doesnt seem like it.

What was the engine you used. Im not familiar with that logo.

There is just something about those kinda retro ps2 style games which have a platformer in them. It was so addicting trying to complete the platformer as it was frustrating when you fell all the way down again. I really enjoyed my time playing.

I see there has been put a lot of work into the main Menu and the art assests. The game itself is a bit complicated though. I didnt quite get the mechanic of feeding those people. 

I dont see the game on that itch page sadly. Cant play it then.

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Visually very pleasing. The story is very dark i guess. I love risk taking games but not if it is completley based on luck.

I dont have a gaming phone that can handle Raytracing graphics. Sorry. Maybe make a windows or Web build?

"Remember Love always wins" Next word i get: "Ugly" haha. Such a hyptnoticing and visually intuitive game. A lot of fun.

Ehm this confused me a lot. Hurt my brain a lot. The different kind of game. It is fun though.