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A member registered Apr 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

As it turns out, the game files from the "Windows" version of Escaped Chasm can be made to work just fine on Linux, and I even went ahead and packaged it in a portable format: Flatpak.

To comply with your copyright, I have not published the prebuilt version, but instructions to build it locally are available at the following link:

Tem, if you want to provide a Linux binary for the game, just ask me and I'll send the file

(I also did the same for Escaped Chasm)

There's absolutely no chance this program will run on a Game Boy. It is built on modern technologies such as Node.JS, and while it does emulate the look and feel of a game from that era, it is not technically compliant to the limitations of the hardware.

normally they shouldn't be, they're public and still up on my end

will try using github gist instead

(2 edits)

I have made a Flatpak for Dweller's Empty Path and Escaped Chasm, but since the files are kinda heavy and I'd like tem to post them on the page as a download option, here is, for each game, a patch file and info on how to build the flatpak on your own computer



Basically boils down to packaging both the game and NW.js in a flatpak to eliminate per-distro issues with node

(2 edits)

btw, i'm currently working on a Flatpak for Escaped Chasm, once it's ready I'll ask tem if she wants to publish it as well as release a .patch to the game folder to build the flatpak yourself

Lo and behold: the diff! Follow the instructions and you should get your very own Escaped Chasm Flatpak!

You can run the game without Wine on Linux (works with Dweller's Empty Path too)

  1. Install NW.js (usually nwjs on most distributions)
  2. Copy the (escapedchasm)/www/fonts folder to (escapedchasm)www/Fonts (for case sensitivity, f u windows)
  3. Run the following command to run the game:
nw directory/to/escapedchasm

About Linux testing:

I'm currently running Linux on pretty much all my computers as their only OS, and can probably take care of the testing in various environments.

I'll probably also be able to help in the bug-fixing side of things, and make a French translation once the game is finished.

However, I'm currently a CS student, so I may not be able to dedicate much more than week-ends to the project. soz

thanks for the awesome game and showing consideration to us Linux users, really appreciate it!