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A member registered Aug 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Just kind of curious but do you have a Discord for development of your projects at all?

Heya!  You requested I Let's Play your game a while back and I've finally gotten around to it.


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Heya!  Not sure if I've had a chance to reach to you about it but I've gotten around to that Let's Play you requested.  Enjoy!


Ch. 1&2 are available in the SAGE demo.  You can find it here!

Thank you so much for checking out the demo!

And thanks for the feedback too.  Custom battle backgrounds are something I certainly want to do at some point if I have the nudged for it.

The meat rabbit *is* a Harvester reference, hehe

Really cool stuff, dude!  I love a lot of these themes and sound effects and am currently working on an indie RPG that will probably end up using a lot of them!

These are incredible, I love how much personality these have!

I'll probably end up using some of these for my own project!

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I didn’t necessarily grow up with this style of game but I ended up loving what’s here quite a lot!  Everything is very well designed and written and I loved the art and characters.  I particularly like how it appears that there are multiple ways to complete puzzles via the gimmick of swapping the game between a beat-em-up and a point-n-click.  It kind of allows you to pick your own difficulty on the fly if something is stumping you.

I see a lot of potential with this project!  I wish you all the best!

Those links seem to work.  Thank you so much!

Hey, I'm not sure if you guys know this, but only the download for the Linux version seems to be working.  At least for me.  Shame because I would have loved to try this game!

I was requested to Let's Play this game by the developers (video's recorded, just not up yet) and I gotta say I really enjoyed my time with this one.  And I'm not even a fan of horror at all.

I love the characters, I love the story, the writing is very mature and portrayed its more complicated topics appropriately.  The visuals are freaky and it just generally has a lot of potential.  I'm not quite sure how long the devs intend this game to be once it's all completed, but I would love to return to this at some point in the future!

Great job with this one Henry!  I always love your RM games.

Enjoyable and short game with some fun writing and nice pixelart.

This game was made by a friend of mine so I might be a little bias here but I really enjoyed this one!  The art is really nice, there's a nice style to it, and the puzzles are very clever, especially the ones that require your head and body to be two separate colors.

My only real frustrations I had with it can be arbitrated to the fact that it was a game jam game made in a time limit.  The controls are quite loose, and I got stuck a couple times.  Thankfully there's a reset button and the levels aren't too long so you never really go back more than a couple minutes.

Overall, a fun little game!

I requested to play this one for a gaming channel and I really enjoyed it.  The artstyle is nice, made more impressive that it was all done by one person, and it's well written as well.

My only problem with it is that this game falls into a trap I see a lot of "first RPGMaker games" fall into.  Some key items can be difficult to find, and it can throw a roadblock in your playthrough.  Karpo posted a guide below on how to find the two juice boxes.  Use that if needed.

I found your game because of a YouTube show called Free Indie Rapid Fire.  We're asked to review the games, and I figured I'd post it here.

This game was quite delightful and has a really fun concept to boot.  I love it when a game has a silly concept like this, and also makes it work.  My only issues with this are very technical.  I felt your hand was blocking a bit too much of the screen (though that might have been the point) and I've had a couple times where the arfs died out.

All of the dogs are named and I sort of wish they're named after real-life animals too.  Like maybe a couple of them are based off of pets the dev owned in his life.

Great game as always! You and Glip do great work togheter.

Hey! I discovered this game through a YouTube show called Bytejacker. They show off three indie games a week and encourages people to review them. So here we go.

BASALT was a game I actually, kind of hated. The concept is great. Smashing the ground to create shockwaves reminded me of Yoshi's Island's final boss for some reason. But this game really needed some polish. It was really hard to tell where I was compared to the ground for example, and I fell off the level into the water as a result several times. A dropshadow would have been great, and is typically the easiest way to fix this. And speaking of falling off the level, I straight-up fell through the ground on multiple occasions, typically after setting off a shockwave.

Hey! I discovered this game through a YouTube show called Bytejacker. They show off three indie games a week and encourages people to review them. So here we go.

The Archwizard's Arena is a really cool jumping point for a much larger game.. I loved the idea, but I feel there was something missing from it. I feel like there should have been an extra spell or extra enemy type or something. Being made for a game jam though I an easily see this being built upon. I would love to see a bunch of different level types and worlds, and more traditional RPG mechanics. Heck, I'd vote for that on Greenlight.

Really cool game. I feel like this could be expanded into something much greater.

I felt a bit that was off with the jumping. The gravity is very high and the jumping sound gets a little grating.

Hey! I discovered this game through a YouTube show called Bytejacker. They ask people to play games and then review them. I figured I'd post my review for this game here too.

It felt like the levels were randomly generated, and I had a ton of fun trying to find my way though them. I think one thing I loved about it is that it's still possible to complete many levels even if you completely mess up and get every guard in the level on your tail. If you remember that this game is technically turn based, it's a lot easier to handle these moments. I only had two problems with it. Firstly, I wish there was a way to bring up the tutorials for items after your first time. I sometimes forgot what they did and I ended up not using them as a result. I also wish there was music. Something simple that you could toggle on and off would be nice.

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Hey! I discovered this game through a YouTube show called Bytejacker. They ask people to play games and then review them. I figured I'd post my review for this game here too.

The gimmick is brilliant and the music is great, yet I felt a little frustrated sometimes and I felt it got a little too difficult too quickly. Additionally, I sort of wish you could simply undo a move as suppose to having to restart the entire level.