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A member registered May 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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The game being set to the right of the screen feels awkward, the pong ball moves too fast and it feels too difficult. The up and down arrows scroll the window which makes gameplay difficult.

This is a great game! I love the platforming elements, the game function well, is fun, and well-balanced. By far the best of all 5 I tested!

When I end the game (win or lose) the page gets stuck on an infinite loop of alerts. The game seems unwinnable without holding shift, and without a stamina or limiter it makes me wonder why it isn't the default speed. I like the clouds, fun game!

The perspective of the artwork feels a little off. The game is fun and has a good challenge level. Having the audio bar feels a bit off, and when you win the text draws beyond the bounds of the canvas. Otherwise, very enjoyable

Love the early disney inspired artwork! There doesn't seem to be an obvious scoring system, or any indication of how long I survived. I found that I could win the game if I just held 'w' as there doesn't appear to be a limit to the jump height. Cute game!

I love the idea and style of this game. 8-bit Indiana Jones feel makes it really appealing. The fact that I would see two sections of level with doors that connected without seeing a hallway felt off. I would have expected to either see them connect visually or not see them appear next to each other in the scene. Otherwise, great game!

I love the UI and art of this game. It's cohesive and has smooth animations. The mechanics feel good and are satisfying to use. The level design is very challenging and rather difficult to complete. I was able to get level 1 on my computer but not on my phone, and I couldn't complete level 2 on my computer. Having easier levels to introduce the mechanics more slowly and making it less challenging might widen the audience accessibility.

I love the angry-birds style destruction. Glass seemed a little too difficult to break, and it felt very tedious to get my ship to have enough momentum to damage any objects. The gravity beam was fun, but it could also be very janky and frustrating after an animal had been completely secure. It would have been nice if once the animal hit the bottom of my ship it was "magnetized" or otherwise completely secured until I turned off the beam, because I often found myself freeing an animal and then needing to try several times to bring it back to base and it would fall out of my range just as I got close. The buttons, UI, and art are all very polished and the story line is evident throughout the level design and gameplay. Great game!

This game is fun, and I enjoy the concept and the artwork. The UI fits well with the theme of the game. It would be nice if the character movement speed were increased, as I found it impossible to beat level 3 without reviving simply because I couldn't get my character to move up and down fast enough to get from the top of the screen where one demon spawned to the bottom where the other demon spawned before he could make it all the past me. Everything else feels balanced.

The movement speed seems a little fast personally, but from what I can tell you realistically recreated the pacman level, which is a really nice touch. I would have liked if the ghosts were a little bit bigger, and it would be cool if you implemented the actually ghost characteristics in the AI, or at least bound them to the actual grid (As someone who's made a first-person pacman before [], its very possible). It also would have been fun if there was an animation when you ran into ghosts with a powerup, otherwise it was great!

I love the gameplay! If you have quick enough fingers, you have infinite ammo. Adding a reload cooldown so there's a reason to tactically reload would vastly improve the difficulty and strategy of the game. The bullets also seem to fire to the slight right of the crosshair, which made aiming difficult. Either correct the trajectory of the bullet or add a fire vector randomizer so that every bullet has a slightly offset flight path so the crosshair is never accurate and misses in all directions. Otherwise I loved the game!

I love the gameplay! If you have quick enough fingers, you have infinite ammo. Adding a reload cooldown so there's a reason to tactically reload would vastly improve the difficulty and strategy of the game. The bullets also seem to fire to the slight right of the crosshair, which made aiming difficult. Either correct the trajectory of the bullet or add a fire vector randomizer so that every bullet has a slightly offset flight path so the crosshair is never accurate and misses in all directions. Otherwise I loved the game!

The game doesn't appear to be working : (

Game broken : (

The help menu seems to be a little broken, the back button is under the three main buttons that I'm assuming are supposed to disappear. The gameplay is a really fun concept, but I struggled to be able to place a healing tower. When I was able to place a healer tower, I was able to do so without enough gold and drop to -10 cash. The player can hit the enemies with so much force that it seems to launch them so far away the game becomes soft-locked. Otherwise, I really like this concept and I think if bounding boxes were set up just outside the screen to keep the enemies from being knocked too far away this game could be a lot of fun!

This game is amazing! I love the story behind it, and all the mechanics function really well. A couple suggestions: I feel like this game might function better with an orthographic perspective rather than a top-down perspective. I also feel like there should be a pause menu and way to exit the game once you've started, especially since dying just auto-resets the level. Otherwise, it works amazingly! 

I like the idea behind this game; however, the way to collect the balls was unclear. I couldn't seem to collide with them, jump on them, or click on them to collect them. The mouse sensitivity was also extremely high, to the point looking around was difficult. If those two things were fixed it could be a fun game