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A member registered Nov 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I did win the overall public so I am pretty happy with that. I really appreciate it I put a lot of work in :) 

Thank you I am glad you had fun! 

I really appreciate that, I would love to expand on it and make it commercial but really not sure how well it would do. 

Thank you so much I put a lot of effort into the graphics so I am happy you liked them. For some reason HTML5 is always a bit shitty to debug and always causes bugs that wouldn't happen in Pc or Android builds 

Very cute game, I liked the added story!

(1 edit)

If you've rated the game and would like to play a less "buggy" version of the game you can try the version that's gonna be uploaded after the jam here:

Pass: R4G3SUR5OR

Thanks for the kind words by the way :) 

Thank you, I very much appreciate that! :) 

There is an updated a little more polished version available on:
Password: R4G3SUR5OR

But please rate my game as if you haven't played that version.

Thank you, yes the jam edition does have some bugs that I am aware of. Sadly I wasn't able to test much as I was short of time. 

Thank you, would you play it again if it was polished and balanced better? 

I completely agree that the game needs balancing, I would have added some more skills to do with movement speed, heal and lifesteal. But as I was only working on this by myself I didn't have time sadly. I also didn't have enough time to playtest enough myself. I probably needed one more day to make this a lot better but I am super happy you enjoyed it!

Thank you, it wasn't exactly where I wanted it to be I think I needed about 1 more day to get it where I would have been happy with it. Thanks for playing my game!

Thank you, I still think it could have a bunch of polish added to it. And it's not as smooth as I would like it to be but I am glad you think it's a Huge W!

Thank you very much! 

Oh, wow I didn't think of that. That bug is definitely in there. I never reset the difficulty timer. Thanks so much for playing my game! 

Another point of feedback is that you'll have to do something about the enemy visibility. Because you have no clue where they are when they are behind a tree and could be dieing from an "unknown" source.

It's doing it for both the register and login. 

I really liked the art and the idea and everything but eventually I couldn't continue because I kept getting stuck under ledges and having to start over from the beginning really bummed me out. 

I am not able to play it says the login is already taken?

It's a cool game and I love the idea of all the mechanics added in the game but I quickly found myself spamming the grappling hook haha.

I think the idea was there and I really liked the idea, the narrative and everything was really thought out. The game was a bit too difficult for me to finish. I would have liked checkpoints for example. I think this could be a really neat little story if all the bugs are ironed out and you add some sound controls etc. 

Thank you so much, I am happy you liked the game and I hope you had some fun with it! :)

Thank you so much. I would change the iframes to be longer to make them more noticeable. I should have also provided some more guidance in the controls. For example you can attack while you dash to get iframes from the dash and an attack. And you can dash in different directions when holding movement keys. 

Thank you I really appreciate it! I'll have to look into the getting hit issue because it's supposed to have a 50 frame buffer before you can get hit again! Thanks for playing anyway! 

I'll be doing a playtest at the end of the week Auto Units. I am looking for people that would be interested in helping me out!

It's online multiplayer in the sense that you fight other people's line ups that have fought the same round as you. Maybe even your previous self!

Please join the discord if you're interested.

I'll be doing a playtest at the end of the week Auto Units. I am looking for people that would be interested in helping me out!

It's online multiplayer in the sense that you fight other people's line ups that have fought the same round as you. Maybe even your previous self!

Please join the discord if you're interested.

I'll be doing a playtest at the end of the week Auto Units. I am looking for people that would be interested in helping me out!

It's online multiplayer in the sense that you fight other people's line ups that have fought the same round as you. Maybe even your previous self!

Please join the discord if you're interested.

Thank you so much I really appreciate it! A lot of work went into it!

(1 edit)

I left it at 3 stars for now, currently every run is random(with a curve) . I am thinking of premaking some unit teams that the game would pick from every round to make it a bit more challenging and fair. Thanks for playing my prototype btw! 

Thank you, I appreciate that. I will definitely add more levels and units in the full release! I am also thinking of adding a boss fight at the end. 

More units and more levels are definitely planned for the full release! 

I am also thinking of having tailored battles as they are random now. 

Thank you so much for testing my prototype! 

I should have added a fail safe for that but didn't. 3 stars should have been the max level and I didn't think anyone would have gotten to 4 stars. I will fix this. Do you think it would be more fun to be able to level to 4 stars? 

Thank you, is there anything about the game that you'd wish was added or would have been changed?

Really appreciate it thank you!

Yeah, we didn't have any time to playtest because of some stuff happening. Thanks for playing! 

Thanks we tried! 

There were a lot of hickups sadly. It would have been a lot easier otherwise. 

Thank you, I am currently working on a successor to this game that's way more in-debt. 

This was made for a game-jam in a week I have a full released plan with something similar.

The screenshot was pre-nerf. 

The 21st wave is not supposed to be beatable it's more of a how much can your defenses hold up. Its randomised each time you play too.