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A member registered Jan 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is like portals but 2D, nice!


welp :P that's true too

(1 edit)

Don't ask, some weirdo. Named tipx2.

(1 edit)

The end was just awesome! What a twist.

Perfect, short and sweet.

This is a really cool pixel-art tool. I was looking for a free tool and this was the one! Absolutely loving it. This is going to speed up my game development flow for sure.

By the way, I'd like to use this on my Linux, so I can of course build using Godot, but as I've never used it before, it would have been great if there was a standalone .deb installer available.

I want to make something like this one day.

(1 edit)

I wish killing the virus was that easy.

Just a tip, you might try to make easier gamer dude.

P.S.: I am also learning.

edit- It is quite easy on the PC but it is pretty difficult on my touchscreen.

Yay! 420/10

I like the pixelated look!

Thank you!

Also sorry for being so late to reply!

Glitch in the game: If you plant there Mills again at the end (or anytime) you can reverse the planet's pollution.

ShootOut has been released! It will be soon available for phones too.

Wait, what IS ShootOut?

It is a classic Asteroids game reimagined.

I am promising new updates like multiplayer support, story mode, and also a campaign!

Here is the link

Music by 8 Bit Universe:

the game wasn't starting, and the console said: this.decompress is not a function

Sure! I will..

Please make one for Android! I request you! May the battery be with you...


p5js works fine everywhere in all orientations...

Thanks in advance.

used the following code with p5.js in my player class:

function Player(xx,yy, minX,minY,maxX,maxY){ this.pos = createVector(xx,yy); this.min = { x:minX, y:minY }; this.max = { x:maxX, y:maxY }; this.r = width*height/7000; this.lift = createVector(0, 0); this.gravity = width*height/100000; this.jumping = true; = function(){ noFill(); stroke(255); translate(-this.pos.x+width/2, -this.pos.y+width/2); rect(this.min.x,this.min.y,this.max.x-this.min.x,this.max.y-this.min.y); fill(199); noStroke(); ellipse(this.pos.x,this.pos.y,this.r*2,this.r*2); } this.update = function(){ if(mouseIsPressed && !this.jumping){ this.lift.y-= width*height/3500; this.jumping = true; } if(this.jumping){ this.lift.y += this.gravity; this.lift.y *= 0.9; } this.pos.x = this.pos.x - acc.x * width * height / 70000; this.pos.x = constrain(this.pos.x, this.min.x+this.r,this.max.x-this.r); this.pos.y += this.lift.y; if (this.pos.y+this.r > this.max.y) { this.pos.y = this.max.y-this.r; this.jumping = false; this.lift.y = 0; } if (this.pos.y < this.min.y) { this.pos.y = this.min.y; this.lift.y = 0; } } }

Result on chrome:

It properly appears at the center:

Result on

It appears at the bottom;
