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A member registered Aug 13, 2022

Recent community posts

Are you only looking for devs or are there any other stuff you need done for the game? 

(1 edit)

I am almost finishing an API designed to fetch the newest topics being shown in the "Help Wanted or Offered" board.

I am doing this in order to help members of that are either using that board in search of interesting job vacancies or projects and members that are looking for people with some specific skills for their projects/games.

I am still thinking about distributing it soon, though I am not sure if I should distribute it as an app, a script or something else. I already got a functional basic script that showcases the newest topics in real-time, but I am still not satisfied with how these topics are being updated on the console so I am still working on it.

I am almost finished developing a GUI for the script as well and am considering developing a mobile app for it too. How would you guys prefer to access this API? Please write it down in the comments as it would help me immensely.

Despite all this effort, I am not really sure if the platform would be okay with me distributing something like this to members of the community so the release of this API is a big "maybe" unfortunately. I contacted the platform's support team a while back just to be sure if it would be okay for me to release this.

The API was done with Python. I am currently developing a GUI for it in Java, but might as well code a mobile app in Flutter for it in the future, idk yet as it will heavily depend on how people would prefer to access this API. 

I am leaving a vimeo link to showcase the script being run on my CMD terminal. 

Please, share your thoughts here in the comments as feedback will be crucial for deciding which direction this project should take.

Disclaimer: If any moderators have any issues with this post, feel free to reach out to me and I will delete it. Though I do not believe I am breaking any rules, I am still not making a game devlog and that could possibly be an issue since most members in this board are making game devlogs exclusively so I am not sure.

Which programming languages are you developing this game in? 

What sort of developers do you guys need atm?

Wow, this looks great!

Are you still looking for scripters?

In which programming language are you guys going to develop this RPG game?

If you happen to make a free game, the only thing that I ask of you is to credit my work.

If you are planning to release a paid game though, I expect a small comission percentage (2%) from your sales and I also expect you to credit my work as well.

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I am currently considering to start producing more horror tracks and I was wondering if anyone would want to use them for their game projects.

I do not have much of a portfolio yet. I just have two songs right now, but since someone might be interested in one of them I figured why not share it with others.

Here is the link to my portfolio:

Hey there! 

I guess the title pretty much says it all.

I have been working as a translator for a year and a half now. Have participated in game localization projects of games such as "Nebuchadnezzar" and "House Party!". Both games can be found on Steam. I am also a native Portuguese speaker.

If you are looking for a translator for your game, feel free to contact me.
