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A member registered Jan 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Absolute jank and I say that in the best possible way. I had a fun time playing. It's actually quite impressive how many systems there are for a one man prototype, while still being somewhat functional. From the looks of your profile, you've jumped into a lot of different projects and I remember playing the roman game, which this game looks like it borrows a lot of content from. I'd encourage you to stick to one project to completion. This projects very cool but will probably need too much work for one person to make fully functional. On a side note, it appears that there might be a lot of plugins at use. If this is the case, I'd recommend avoiding this habit in the future and programming these systems from scratch, creating each new system to completion and without bugs. That way you'll end up with a less buggy game, learn a lot and have systems that you can more easily port over to new projects. If this isn't the case, then please ignore. Back to the game though, it actually has some great atmosphere and concept. You clearly have a lot of skill and vision. It'd be nice to see it used for a game with the potential to be used to completion.

It looks pretty cool, but I'm not good enough at it to beat it. It feels like there's probably a bunch of advanced mechanics that I don't understand that are needed to win. To get out of the starting area, you need to move you tanks on a road past two forests. However, most tanks will drive on the forest terrain, making them move very slowly instead of the road. I tried using the F + RMB command to make them drive on the road, but it didn't seem to work. The map is very huge, I can't really get anywhere before the convoy starts coming and dying. Infantry hidden in forests seem to be able to shoot you at long range, but making my tanks target them either seems to do nothing sometimes, or makes them drive up really close before eventually starting to attack. I don't really see the point of recon vehicles. I think the unit labels should be hidden unless the unit is hovered over, because they obscure what's happening. Overall, I think there's probably a lot of good mechanics in there, but the starting level is too difficult of an introduction. I think you should start with a smaller, easy to beat level to give the player a way to experiment more with the controls and units.

I've done a bit of surfing before and know the general concept. That being said, the movement feels too far off the general source engine movement to carry over well. I'm not a fan of the jumping backwards mechanic at all. I guess you're trying to emulate the backwards bhop mechanic speedrunners use? I just don't think its fun not being able to see your gameplay. For the first level, it just seems like walking up a big platform that doesn't really encourage surfing and then requiring a backwards jump to beat (which I couldn't pull of). I'd be more keen to try a traditional, starting up high surf map.

Hi, thanks for playing! With feedback on the shooting, I'm planning to overhaul the blood splatters on enemies. But do you have any other ideas for it? With the times you felt like you should've hit, were the enemies far away from you? I added a range cap to the weapons, but it might be too short. I'm not sure a range cap was that good of an idea. I wasn't sure I should give the flamethrower more ammo, since it's meant to be a power weapon. Maybe since it's close to the end of the first level, I can add just a bit more. I'll be working on the enemy ai to try and make them more dynamic and get them to reposition often. Cheers!

No problem, I'll keep that in mind that they might not be that obvious to see. With regards to the other stuff:

I'll be working on the various props in the game, such as chairs and tables, making them lowpoly. They're all from asset packs and just dumped into the levels for now. 
I reduced the mipmap bias to try and give the image a more grainy, pixelated look. Otherwise mipmaps ruin the pixelated effect at distances further than a few metres. However, I can't disable mipmaps completely because otherwise it ruins distant textures. I'm not sure I can get it better. Would you have any ideas on how to fix this?
I'll work on making the enemy ai a bit more dynamic. I'll try and make them move around more and reposition.
Enemy bullets will be getting a new model. I don't think making them hitscan is the right move. I've always hated hitscan enemies in games like doom, because you have a lot less options to fight them. Being able to dodge an enemies shots is a good feeling and I'd rather build on that.
The enemy car will be getting a makeover. Currently its a placeholder.
Ladders are shit, I agree.
Didn't know about the wall climb exploit. Will definitely fix that. Thanks for finding it.
I think I might add some buildings to separate the uphill and downhill roads in the center of the map. That should hopefully make the map feel less empty and make it more convincing as being a busy shanghai street.
Will fix out of bounds exploits eventually, not a big priority for now.

Overall, thanks for all your feedback. It's very helpful, probably the most helpful I've got from this demo day. And thanks for giving the game a go!

Thanks so much. It means a lot to me that you say the game has improved. It's very satisfying to know that the more minor tweaks are having a good effect on the game. I'll play with the ui a bit. I couldn't find a suitable item pickup sound in time for dd, I'll definitely look for something.

Hi, thanks for playing! So far, I've had other positive feedback about the movement speed being just right, so I'll likely keep it that way. Interesting that you had problems with the mouselook, I'll definitely do some digging into that. I'm glad you like the new sprites, they're one of the only things in the game that I consider "done". I'm also not fully satisfied with the specular. I think it looks great in parts and fills in big patches of flat surfaces with some detail nicely. I wasn't too happy with diffuse only. In other areas it is quite overwhelming, so I'll turn it down in those parts.

Hi, did you clear the rails for the tram by shooting the wood?

It's a cool concept, makes for a fun demo. Also a pleasant surprise to see shanghai gold in there, so thanks for that. I like that there's heaps of random events that keeps interest up. Would maybe like to see some crazier upgrades that can essentially break the game, like humongous coins of 1000% speed coin pusher. Performance and physics simulation could do with some work. In terms of potential, I don't think it would really work as a full retail game, but nothing wrong with having a fun demo to flex your skills. Was fun to play!

Thanks for playing and thanks for coming back to play again! I've gone in and tweaked the pistol a bit. Hopefully that will help.

Cheers for the stream. The blue key is actually for the blue tram. I've made it a bit more visible as the last lighting update made it look too much like background clutter.

Thanks for playing. Currently the lightmaps are being baked at some terribly low resolution, because I keep finding things that need tweaking and am often pressed for time. Eventually they'll get final versions. I'll also need to tweak the reflectivity of surfaces, but I think having some of it adds a bit more visual flare to the game.

I didn't want to have dog enemies either, but they fit the setting too well. If it's any consolation, the sprite has rabies foam coming out of their mouths, so they're going to expire soon anyway. Not sure whether to keep the tintin room as an easter egg or not, incase people accuse me of stealing art. The blue lotus and other tintin adventurea definitely inspired the game though. Maybe you are actually playing as tintin. I'd like the keep the identity of the main character a sectet.

Hi, thanks for playing! I've gone in and fixed some of the bugs you reported and made some adjustments to brightness and weapons. I'll work on performance, weapon damage falloff and audio for the next update. You can actually get into the underground section by shooting the wood planks and finish the level from there. I'm hoping as I add more destructibles to the game, stuff like this will be more intuitive. Since there are very few currently, I can definitely see how weird it is. Cheers for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for your feedback. I've fixed most of the bugs that were easy to squash and made some adjustments. I'll work on the rest post demo day.

Thoroughly enjoyed it. The puzzles were very good. I'd say the combat is too easy. The zombies never posed any threat. The game could also really do with a map and to rearrange the rooms into a more logical pattern. Currently it feels too maze like. I'm sure it'll be a lot better if you can differentiate the rooms with different textures. I'd also say the intro cutscene is too long and I forgot I was playing a survival horror game and not a visual novel. Also, try making the vn text be locked in place rather than shifting around, because its very hard to read. Overall good job, I'll happily play future updates.

Cool game, get very laggy though and eventually crashed when I tried to pick up an arrow. Might have had something to do with picking up an arrow while standing on a sword? I got pretty good at the bow and just went around headshotting enemies. I found that I didn't stand much of a chance with the sword, so I went archer only.

Really liked the look of it, the graphics and ui visuals are great. Sadly, it's too hard to play and maybe just unfinished. I had to look at the comments here to figure out you could walk through the grass to find the beach signs. Then the sign puzzle itself made no sense either. I had a eureka moment where I thought maybe the nail holes matched with the signs, but then I realized that they didn't match either. Watched a twitch stream to find the answer. Not sure if there is anything to do yet at the junkyard. I'll assume most of this is down to the gameplay being unfinished. Would probably be better to just hide all of the tutorials and UI if it isn't being utilized in the gameplay yet, because otherwise it's information overload. I'm looking forward to seeing this game in a more functional state.

(2 edits)

The one setting I wanted to change was mouse sensitivity. I went into the options menu, changed the value to 0.6, hit apply changes and went back to the game, but the sensitivity hadn't changed. Opening the options menu up again, the slider had returned to 1. I tried this several times. I noticed the game also had screen tearing, even though the options menu said vsync was enabled by default.

I found the first terminal in the starting room, and immediately my eyes glazed over from 3 pages of text dump. I'm not into reading lore for a game unless I'm already invested in it. I skimmed it but nothing stood out to give directions on where I was supposed to go.

Gave it a try. Currently it just feels like walking around a maze with no direction. After I found the pistol, I wandered around for a while, shooting the occasional enemy and eventually just got lost. The very slow movement of the player definitely didn't help. I'd definitely keep the game much more linear while in early development, until you can get your gameplay down. Avoid things like rooms with no purpose.  Another thing of note, the settings menu wasn't functional, which was annoying. The enemies seemed to be pretty well made, the sprite work was decent. Gunplay seemed cool too and I wish I'd found the other weapons to try them out. I'm keen to see this evolve.

The mechanics seem to work well. The main level looks really cool too. The problem is, I can't really figure out the way to progress, and I usually just get stuck wandering around underwater like an idiot. I'd like if the game reset you. Keep in mind, I haven't played any other games in the speedy fast guy franchise. The pause menu doesn't seem to be functional as well.

Thanks so much for playing! Glad you liked it.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it. I worked my ass off getting this done in time, so I'm happy that it seems to have paid off. A melee key is definitely something I could add. I'm sure the player has a sword tucked away for those close quarters encounters. Mobs aren't actually infinitely respawning as well, but it can sometimes appear that way because of the big map and large aggro distances of the enemies. Could definitely do with some tweaking.

Thanks for playing! The muzzle flash not showing is due to it being a one frame animation which won't always show if your frame rate isn't locked. Not too sure how to fix it.

Thanks for playing! I'll look into all of those things you listed.

Movie 📸

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback. I definitely want it to have more uniqueness. Dragons, chinese monsters, a firework weapon, powerup abilities, etc.

Thank you! Glad you had fun. I think the dogs are the best enemy.

Thanks for playing. The game is definitely in a "weird" stage of development, where nothing is quite certain and ideas are still forming. By next DD, I'll try to have it polished a bit.

Sorry about that. I've uploaded a Linux build and hopefully that works. If it does, I'll try to support Linux from now on.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. I'll have a look into those things.

Thanks for playing. The mismatching art style frustrates me too. Wish there was an easy fix for it. I'm looking forward to the stage where I can take the time and do things like make breakable bottles. If I'm doing that, then the game will be going well.

Thanks so much for playing, and for the great list of suggestions. Many will be implemented.

It's a little bit better with the bow. Manage to clear a couple of rooms before dying now. There's clearly a lot of mechanics in the game, but I just die too fast to see how they get used. What might be helpful is to get a few friends to play your game, and just watch how they play. I definitely underestimated the difficulty of my game when I first made it.

Plays nicely. Well done. Sometimes it feels unfair if I just miss the enemy with the cross and end up walking into them.

Cute graphics and sound. I like the concept. The fishing line is very very glitchy. Would be nice if there was some kind of gameplay for reeling the fish in, instead of just holding a button and waiting.

Graphics look nice. However, I die almost immediately every time. The movement is extremely fast, so I can't maneuver around enemies. If I fight more than 1 enemy, I don't stand a chance. Can't figure out how the bow works, or maybe I need arrows. I definitely don't have much skill either.

Not really what I expected for a hentai game. Congrats on making something that's functional. I suggest you move on to the next project.

Very happy to see another boomer shooter. It's a pretty good start. The idea of a corporate boomer shooter set in fast-food joints, with corporate friendly music playing is funny, although the music does kill the vibe a bit. The gunplay is pretty solid. Enemy ai is good too. I think currently, the game is too punishing against more reckless gameplay styles. To beat the level, I had to play sneaking carefully around corners and picking enemies off, when I'd prefer to be running and gunning. I solved this in my boomer shooter by reducing the damage output of enemies, but having a lot more of them. There's a weird bug with the movement, where you can tell its stuttering slightly. Level is a bit mazelike, but probably because its mostly using the same textures. I'm sure once there's something to differentiate different areas, it'll be better. Looking forward to seeing this progress!

(3 edits)

Cool game. I really like the atmosphere and the twin-peaks vibes. I like the characters and talking to them. So far, I'd say the presentation is top notch, especially the pre-rendered fmv cutscenes. The music is great too. At the moment, I think the game is too esoteric. Weird fever-dream sequences only work when the player has a base-line sense of reality. I imagine the parts where you are talking to jojo are in reality, while the parts with frankie and the ghost girl are dreams? But then again, it wouldn't make sense if it is that way. For instance, why do you go from a car crash to a mansion? There's only a certain amount of "what the fucks happening" that a person can take, before they will just alt-f4 and I came very close to it. I'd like to understand more of why Jojo has such interest in Sven or why she somehow owns a huge mansion despite being a young person.  Basically just flesh out the setting a lot more and clearly separate what is reality and what is schizo dream sequences. Ideally, I'd like Jojo to be a character grounded in reality to contrast with characters like Frankie and for Jojo to give the player an idea of what the players goal in the game is. I don't know if I'm a shitty reader or something, but the general language is too complicated for me to absorb fully. It makes it quite exhausting to read and I know I'm not fully understanding it. Looking forward to returning to this in the future. Keep it up!

Thanks for the stream and the review! Gives me a great motivation to make it better for next DD and hopefully rise up the ranks. The gun feel and sound effects are definitely a weak point. Having to put in the hours of finding sounds or slightly tweaking values over and over again until it "feels right" is something I like putting off. I'm much more keen to jump into something with objective progress measurements, like putting in a save game system, where it either works or it doesn't. But it's definitely a good time to overhaul a lot of that stuff. You'll start to see hints of mythological influences, starting with powerups in tbe next level (should be ready next DD) and slowly introducing mythical enemies throughout the later levels.