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TKGK Interactive

A member registered Dec 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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I've just read this post, I don't  live in Thailand and I've already started my game

Nice concept! The audio did a good job of keeping me on edge while playing 

Thank you for playing!

In the future, the equipable creatures will offer more than just an aesthetic change as well as many more features to come!
Funny you mention that, as the irony is that this game won't be as aggressive as other gacha games and will be friendlier to your wallet :)

Great tracks as always! My favourite track is "In The City"
We gotta get you in a proper game jam at some point 😁

Thank you for playing! 

We're excited to continue working on this game and hopefully fully release this on stores such as Google Play in the future!

Best of luck to you! Can't wait to see what you've been cooking up!

Noted! If @aBlueHuman and I ever continue this in the future, we'll bare this in mind 

Ahaha thanks! Saying you were itching for more means a lot!

Thanks! @aBlueHuman  art has that effect ;)

Glad you liked it!

Thanks for hosting this jam, this is the very first jam I've entered and definitely don't be the last!

You are very kind! :)

Thanks! The main menu was a fun one to design!

Thanks for playing!

I love my hard 2D platformers but damn!

Thanks! @aBlueHuman was behind most of the art/animations while I was the lead programmer
Both of us haven't played Pizza Tower (yet) and now I feel like I kinda need to 😅 

Thanks!  Funny you said that, I've never played a Metroid game (yet)
I'd love to work with @aBlueHuman on this more eventually but this kinda burnet me out towards the end of the 10 days

@aBlueHuman was the main man behind the art 😎

Thanks for playing! Yeah there are a ton of mechanics I would love to add if we ever revised this concept again such as adding a cool-down when Billy explodes as well as other stuff


Glad you like it!

Thanks very much!

Boom 💣

The story, theme and art style is right up my alley!
I'm super impressed you got this done in only 10 days!

I'd love to see this idea fully fleshed out if you deice to do so

Fun Arcade experience!