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Incredibly cute ending, well done!

Nice graphics and music! It was a bit challenging to figure out how to play – it would be nice if the clickable/movable objects were highlighted in some way.

Really liked the controls, and the sound effects fit beautifully. I was also expecting a satisfying end screen, as this is the only missing piece, but it was still a very enjoyable play!

I really like the looks of it, and controls are very nice! Would also love to have some more guidance along the way, with a few pointers the gameplay could be much smoother. Well done!

One of the most satisfying games to play, so simple yet effective. Good job!!

Thank you! I wholeheartedly agree with the lack of feedback when taking damage and/or opening the chest, they're a case of 'didn't have time' or 'couldn't technically implement it yet' – will add those asap. Also, good idea to have a visual indicator for the fall too - that would be a nice way to let the player know they're reaching the limit. Appreciate the feedback!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!!

Thank you!!

Well done for creating the scary atmosphere, it was honestly terrifying!

Thank you so much!

Ahaha, thanks! I know the game is super short, it’s meant to be just one level (of hopefully more to come). 

Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated!

Hey, no worries, happy you fixed  it!  I'm in the same boat (started with games about a month ago) so I know it's hard to implement things the way you really want to. Control wise I would make the weapon a bit faster or add some knockback to the creature (so you have a little more time to recoup if you're cornered). I'd also love to have some way to get back some life earlier in the game so I can keep going for longer. Once again, great job! :)

Very nice art, and I like the idea of going up and down. Fighting the creatures is a little hard control-wise, and much like the other commentator I encountered similar bugs (died on a spike and screen faded to black). Nice overall!

(1 edit)

Love the cyber, vaporwave-y colour scheme!! Also interesting interpretation of the theme, well done!

The idea has potential, but I found it a bit hard to understand where to even begin looking for the treasures as there's no visual or sound indication for it (unless there is sound and my browser is just not picking it up?). Good effort!

Love the visuals, and I agree with some of the other comments about the SFX. Other than that, super nice retro style, congrats!

Very cute, the gameplay reminds me of 'Baba is You'!

Description is VERY accurate

Ahaha good pun, thank you!!

Really nice gameplay, simple mechanics, but harder than I thought to get away from those pesky sharks. Well done!

Execution is lovely, but honestly the idea behind it really shines. Great job!

Beautiful art and lovely level design! A coyote timer could be a great addition  for the jumps. Well done!

Lovely art, super relaxing sounds and gameplay!

Love the art and all the building stuff! I would suggest adding some hard, non-pickable walls on the edge of your map so the player doesn't end up falling into the abyss. Well done!

(1 edit)

Congrats, really fun idea! I agree with the other comments about the speed, and as note I would also make the bullets go through the rocks. Well done!

Thank you for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate it! In all fairness, I did not realise the issue with the double jump until it was pointed out to me, so I’m happy to take that onboard. Same for the instadeath and transition screen - which were not polished enough due to time constraints. Once again, many thanks!

Thank you! The camera was somewhat intentional, hope it wasn’t too bothersome. I’m glad you enjoyed it! 


Hey, just letting you know it's not loading for me in any browsers 

:( maybe some issue with the upload?

Giggled a bit at the 'billionaires' 

Surprisingly wholesome, love it!

Thank you!!

Hi! Thank you for the feedback, it is most welcomed.

First of all re-chest, when you come near it, if you've taken damage, you get back one heart. Inside the chest is a piece of cheese. I understand now that I should have made the interaction more obvious. The fall feeling very quick is also intentional!

The code, art and design were all developed in a week so I didn't have a lot of time for refinement – I'll keep your suggestions in mind.