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A member registered Jan 05, 2017

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I hope you'll find the time. I'll definately be using that once it comes out

I've never been so early. This is great and perfect for my campaign, where players are explorign the woods. I can literally use the same premise as described on the first screenshot.

Only one thing prevents it from being perfect: there are 5 encounters, instead of 6. If there would be 6, I could roll a d6 and then pick whatever it lands on. 

But still, 5 is already a big number, and I can use the ideas in the future encounters. Thank you so much!

This is exactly what I was looking for. and for Cairn too? I was just looking for some ispiration, or maybe a setting, but a whoel system based on Cairn with additional tables for inspiration for writing my own adventures? This is gold! Thank you so much for creating this. I hope someday, you will write some adventures based on this book.

Really? Very excited about it now. Once I finish Fistful of Feather I will probably use your new adventure because I really like how you make it work

(1 edit)

This is such a great adventure, my players are enjoying it very much. A very great work and worth your time

Add artifacts. For example, a broken radio and part of it, or a broken phone, or a bottle with a message. So the game will be more atmosphere. Say: find all the pieces of a broken radio. Trying to find the radio signal. There were disturbances. You hear a voice. But suddenly the battery dying. And that's it. So as with telephone and letter in a bottle. It will be very atmospheric.

Also add alternation of day and night.

My first finished raft. It is... maybe therd try to survive. I like this game so much. Will wait for next updates.

My raft