Very cute game and creative concept. Glad people are still carrying on the “banana for scale” meme
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Use your sliminess to help people move out of their homes
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Nailed the style. Great atmosphere. Controls are smooth and intuitive, UI is clean and helpful. Just the right balance between lack of instruction and helpful nudges. I immediately felt challenged by the problem in front of me but not overwhelmed. It seems like you had a strong sense for what you wanted the player to experience and how to accomplish that.
Thanks for the feedback. We were definitely piggy-backing off a well-established game, but the addition of scale does have many subtle and interesting implications on game play that we wanted to explore. Just to name a few:
- Scaling allows you to capture multiple pieces at once, which is not possible in vanilla chess
- Being bigger is a double-edged sword. You can capture more pieces but are also an easier target and can’t fit through tight passages.
- Some endgames that ordinarily result in stalemates in vanilla chess (e.g., king & lone bishop vs lone king) can be converted into checkmates with scaling pieces
- Pawns can effectively move sideways and backwards via scaling, both of which are impossible in vanilla chess.
- Likewise, bishops can change square colors via this technique. In vanilla chess, bishops are confined to a single color square the entire game.