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A member registered Feb 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Cool! Thank you!
It could be useful because i'm planning to add Input Remap for Controllers in one of my games, and having those extra icons would certainly help.

Really great pack! Thank you!

Just one question, are you gonna add icons of the gamepad themselves?

(2 edits)

Hello again, first of all, all seems to be ok, the only issue that i have is that the dialogue doesn't reset whenever i reload the scene: after triggering all the conversations and i exit/enter play mode again, the dialogue doesn't start. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not.
As of what other suggestions i would give, well, i have 1 specifically:

  • Streamlining the access to any dialogue: one feature that i would like to see in here is to access any dialogue without  the need to setup an NPC. While i saw that it has that functionality, others such as reseting the dialogue properly are not, so it would be cool to have said features implemented, and remove the dependencies of NPC for certain scenarios (the Text Based adventure sample still needs them).

That's all i wanted to share. There might be more, but due to time, i'm not able to give more feedback.

Good luck with the development of the asset.

P.D: I noticed that your other asset Avesta: Procedural Tilemap Generator uses Jobs and Burst for optimization. Do you plan to do the same with this asset? Just asking.

I can give some suggestions regarding the dependencies:

  • Some assets solve this by making separated assets inside the asset to allow the developers to install them in case they have the required third party dependencies. For example, the assets of Pixel Cruchers have inside them separated unitypackages to enable the support and integration of different assets in case the project has them.
  • The other option, similar to the previous one, is to have in the Prata Sub-Menu buttons to enable the support of third party assets (like the New Input System) in case the developer wants to enable them.
  • Or, as a last resort, inside the code directly detect if any third party asset is enabled, such as the New Input System, which has those conditions.

I wish you luck with the development of the asset.

(2 edits)

Hello, this is more of a feature request than anything. Beforehand, i want to say your asset is great to create and implement dialogues in-game.
However, i noticed that the asset has 2D-3D games in mind with the way the asset is designed. I tried the asset with a simpler Text Based Adventure game and it was more complicated that it should, and even then, it behaved weirdly (i.e., the dialogue box fastforwading everything all of the sudden when clicking to make the dialogue appear if using the New Input System, the choices not appearing despite appearing on the sample scene), without making any change to the code (just one change, actually: i replaced all references of Text to TextMeshPro).

I'm not sure if there is a way to make a simpler text based game with this asset instead of a platformer like the asset seems to be designed for, if not, i want to make that request, since i see this asset has a lot of potential.

Thank you for your time.

Details: Unity 2021.3.16, using TextMeshPro and the New Input System.

(1 edit)

Ok.... how do i say this.... It's cancelled, mainly because it's a flash game and i no longer use Stencyl (does anyone uses that anymore?).

I'll do a remake on Unity if possible.