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A member registered Nov 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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I like the zero gravity feel of the movement, but I am unclear as to what the goal of the game is. Some instructions or guidance would be nice.

The playing of the sound clip with the boost was really cool, I just wish there was a little more variety to the gameplay, got a little repetitive.

The gameplay felt good, jumping and moving were fun. No real challenge yet, but other than that it is a great game. I ran into a wall once and it sent me off the screen and I don't know why

I like the osu! like gameplay, but I can not really see the end goal or point of clicking the keys. Cool concept though.

Very fun game. The dancing singers were an awesome touch. Running into the lava felt bad, but other than that this game was great.

This was really fun! The abilities felt a little weird to use, but other than that, this was a great game.

The game is obviously not finished, but the mechanics and ideas are there for this to be a great game. Would love to see more in the future.

Really cool game that reminds me of old-school war battles with both sides running at each other to fight. Adding something for the hand to do during battles would be fun, such as throwing rocks at enemies.

Really cool game, it took me a while to beat it. I would recommend adding a hint button that can be pressed if the user is very stuck so they can get a clue.

Cool concept, but was really easy, needed a lot more obstacles and challenges.

Really cool game. Reminds me of doodle jump from back in the day. Was a lot of fun to play, however adding in more obstacles and challenges would have been nice.

Really cool platformer and was a lot of fun to play. The camera got a bit wonky sometimes, particularly if you fell back down to a section you had already passed before.

I actually really like the camera placement, I think it is unique, however, there is no real direction to the game and the enemy just stands there. Really good base to build off of though!

Really cool game, love the boss fight feel of it. I would add in more of a challenge because I have still yet to die even on hard mode.

Really cool idea. I am not good enough to make any real progress so maybe a mode where the cube doesn't break instantly would be nice for noobs like me.

The game is really cool! I feel like there should be a limit on the number of jumps though, unless the wizard is supposed to be able to fly.

This game was pretty fun. I wish it tied into the theme more, but other than that the game feels good to play!

This was a pretty fun game. More obstacles (Perhaps some that are moving or dynamic in some way) would have been a nice touch.

Great game! The attacking animation feels good and the only thing that I found to be a bit troublesome was the stairs at the very end, I kept getting stuck. Overall fantastic work though.

I don't really know what the objective of this is, but the visuals look good and I think that there is a good base here to build a game off of.

Overall great game, the controls feel good. The AI car looked very weird to me while driving, almost looked like it was flying at some points, but other than that this was great!

The theme is taken very literally here which is a cool idea. However, it felt very easy and it would have been nice to have more difficulty, maybe more obstacles falling or something similar.

Very cute-looking game, I just wish that the controls felt a little better and the theme was tied more into the gameplay somehow.

(1 edit)

This game looks great visually, and the escape room was a really cool idea. The use of both themes was done well, and the only thing that could have been improved was having the light stay on or off depending on what you did last instead of resetting as it does currently.

This game reminds me a lot of hill climb racing, a game I had a lot of fun with back in the iPod era. I did have trouble controlling the car a lot of the time, especially while I was in the air. It felt like I couldn't really do anything and was just hoping I landed on my wheels.