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Studio Lemi

A member registered Oct 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Very fun game! Really enjoyed the combinations and going through all the RABE! Very well explained! 

What a fun game! This had the right amount of puzzles and interaction I needed! It made me rake my brain, it made me think long and hard, the levels were so well balanced! 

The art was very clear and clean making the whole experience easy to read and understand. 

Overall a great game! That touches on the themes really well!

What a fun game! This had the right amount of puzzles and interaction I needed! It made me rake my brain, it made me think long and hard, the levels were so well balanced! 

The art was very clear and clean making the whole experience easy to read and understand. 

Overall a great game! That touches on the themes really well!

What a fun little mini game! I feel like this could be developed into a full game, the whole concept of the statues disappearing really made me search hard and test my memory as well! It kept me on the edge! 

Mimics is a great entry that uses the themes in a great and fun way! 

What a fun little mini game! I feel like this could be developed into a full game, the whole concept of the statues disappearing really made me search hard and test my memory as well! It kept me on the edge! 

Mimics is a great entry that uses the themes in a great and fun way! 

The game art is really well made! I enjoyed the animations and the small effects with the light, the game was very responsive, and it had its fun elements of shooting at enemies, overall, the atmosphere was good and had some good ideas going for it. 

I did have a problem with the Fullscreen as well tried it on edge and on brave and it didn't work, so I had to play in the limited box.

Overall, it was fun though! great entry! 

A very fun experience! The ambience was dark and brooding, there is something about the use of light that is always really effective, the sounds of monsters in the dark, not knowing what was coming towards you is really fun, and the fog of war is just icing on the cake. 

Great game, I really liked the concepts behind it I think with a bit more polish it would elevate it a lot more, but i understand due to time constraints is difficult! 

Overall great experience! 

A very fun experience! The ambience was dark and brooding, there is something about the use of light that is always really effective, the sounds of monsters in the dark, not knowing what was coming towards you is really fun, and the fog of war is just icing on the cake. 

Great game, I really liked the concepts behind it I think with a bit more polish it would elevate it a lot more, but i understand due to time constraints is difficult! 

Overall great experience! 

I see the idea and is interesting that it was made for phone play, but I wish it also worked on the pc, idea behind it is interesting but I understand due to time constraints sometimes is difficult to put in the polish. 

But keep going I'd like to see what more you add in the future. 

This has to be one of the most polished entries I tried so far, the gameplay is really fun and interesting, the whole play with the cards and the animations with the cat are just hilarious and a joy to see. 

The sound effects, the music, it all works together to create a very fun experience! 

Great job overall! 

Overall, the whole concept was really cool I would have liked to see it implemented more completely but I understand the time limit is factor. Thank you for this entry, would like to explore space again. 

This was really well made, it has impecables graphics, the options menu was really well, the mystery behind it all was really cool, not fully realized but i feel like it had a lot of potential, the game mechanics were solid, and the systems worked great together. 

That was a very good experience! The level design was very easy to follow, the bosses were cool and the systems worked really well! Great job! 

Thank you so much Boombatt!  Every comment is an encouragement to keep on going and making more games and experiences! 

Oh snap! Thank you so much BirdCatNate! Your words are really inspiring! The villager eating was one of my favorite parts to hahaha! 

Sadly with the time constraints we were not able to iron everything out but we might still finish and fix some of the bugs in a later update! 

As for the king the way to beat him was to use your power to lure him over to the mines, they are the ones that damage him! 

Hope that helps! and thanks for playing it. 

Oh my >:O you found out part of our inspiration! You rascal Purechito hahaha! Thank you so much for giving it a try! 

We did what we could with the time we had, it would be interesting to revisit a project like this with the objective to expand and refine! 

Thank you so much for this video and for your well thought out comments! 

I always appreciate when someone enjoys my game but also gives me their opinion and let's me know if there is anything else that could make the experience even better! 

I hope I can continue to work on this project and the other ones I have coming and be able to raise the quality as time goes on. 

Working on that game catalog like burrr 

Thank you so much for the video it was fun to watch! Seeing you enjoy the games like you did is makes me want to keep producing better stories just so others can experience them! 

PS: I made the sickness vague on purpose so you can identify with it and assign your own interpretation of it. If you feel like it's Ligma it might just be it hahhaha. 

What she had is something definitely terminal I had more ideas and secrets I wanted to include into the game, and I might just add them later in another update! The mystery of the doors does not end this easily. 

Thanks for your support Bobe! Will surely add your video to my playlist and follow, thanks for giving my game try and enjoying it! Hopefully you enjoy some my other projects! 

Thank you so much for the support and for showcasing my game in your channel! 

Thank you so much for your support and great let's play! It inspires me to keep making more stories! 

This version is gold, the contemplative experience will make you think and feel, and that is one of the biggest things a game can do to you. 

Overall great experience, great music and interesting paths. 

I finally got to try it out again! Man the coin flip system is satisfying to look and the sound as well! I had not realized you also had made the music, man this game is really emotional and the second time I played it, it really made me contemplate, a really great experience! 

Thank you so much man Im going to play your updated version i'll leave you a comment when i do! 

Man what an experience it reminded me of the days i used to sit down in front of an old pc in a public library, I used to open up Prince of Persia and play for a long time, and man how fun it was, this takes it even further adding some more mechanics and making it even more entertaining and difficult, great stuff! 

A very unusual experience but kind of fun in its own quirky way, it really reminds me of Monty Python and all of their antics hahahaa. great game overall, has a lot of funny surprises as you keep experimenting. 

Solid first-person shooter, with all of the movement I enjoy, really gave me a half-life feel to it but with a bit of some of my other favorites. like time splitters. 

Overall great use of sound and atmosphere and dreary music. 


-Would have liked a bit more story, maybe some notes or something laid out explaining what was happening in the facility. 

What a fun game, the whole idea of dealing with a dangerous garden is such a fun and interesting concept mixed with the bullet hell formula wow! This game has so much potential! Overall I give this game a high score, very fun, very interesting and great concept.


-Music would enhance the experience 10 fold 

-I would have liked to throw plants at other plants and watch them explode

-Would have liked some kind of levels with some sort of enemy variety but i understand due to time constraints this was a great job. 

The puzzle system worked really well, loved the characters models and the idea behind is really interesting, would have loved to see more levels, but overall the chill experience with them calm music made it really enjoyable, great job! 


-The controls could have been smoother and that would help a lot with the experience. 

-Some level variety like colors would have done wonders to the experience as levels changed. 

Such a good experience! The writing is fantastic and the scenes how they slowly develop and expand upon the Lore really helps to create a believable world. The characters are charming and the movements in certain scenes really added a lot to the presentation. great job! 

Such an interesting game! The whole concept of reloading and aiming makes it so interesting with the top-down mechanic, I really enjoyed this entry! 

Would definitely love to see this expanded upon and adding a bit more polish and it would become a sellable concept! 

Actually, that is a very good average of the rating! Yeah, I think this game would be more for young teens, kind of on the level of like a goosebumps story or something along the lines of Beetlejuice

The mass of dogs coming after me was too much, luckily enough my knife prevailed against evil! Idk why the dogs reminded me of peanuts. 

All the parts work really well to present the experience, the sound, the effects, the way the images transition, it was all really well done. Now the most impressive parts were the sound and the mechanics, they worked really well and made the experience fun and accesible, it made me want to play just another round.

What a great journey that was! The music adjusted so seamlessly between the scenes without it ever becoming annoying. The art was captivating, simple and yet very effective. The choices were interesting and demanded thought from the reader. The lesson and the ideas behind it are charming and deep.

What a great journey that was! The music adjusted so seamlessly between the scenes without it ever becoming annoying. The art was captivating, simple and yet very effective. The choices were interesting and demanded thought from the reader. The lesson and the ideas behind it are charming and deep. A great and solid entry! And as a visual novel creator I am excited to see quality entries like this! 

My dudes! Yusss! Always love what you guys put in your videos makes me laugh! I hope you guys enjoyed becoming pie hahah! 

Thank you so much for playing it and becoming a pie! It is in my current plans to expand this and give it the polish it deserves not constrained by the jam, and i'm thinking of going further and bringing some of my projects to a more completed status. 

Thank you so much Xeno! Always loving your content man! I have plans for this one and for Samurai no yoki, i am planning on making longer versions >:D but we shall see!