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Strawberry Fox

A member registered Jan 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

It's fun hunting around for clothes to put on the lil kobold!~

It was also nice to see some of my characters in there too~ Thank you for that btw~

I call this one; "Needs to move really fucking fast and may have forgotten something. Oh yeah! The helmet!"

Lots of fun! While the Allure elixir and Accelerant elixir are strictly required to be able to play, I wish the third elixir type was randomized. The third elixir type you start with just ended up being my "elixir I swap out for other elixirs" Elixir.

This game was quite fun! I could honestly see myself coming back.

I lost on my first run, but my second run was more of a breeze.
Consider adding harder creatures or even more bosses if you end up working on this more!~

From what I gleamed in my playthrough;

  • Thrusting happens when you click,
  • Pounding happens when you hold,
  • Plapping happens every time your dick goes in. (So both Thrusting and Pounding cause Plaps)

Oh fuck, this was good! More please!~

Ultimately the spin-out state was supposed to be a bad thing, meant to kick in when you're pushing your luck and throw you way off course, but lots of players seem to have gotten the hang of it.

I'll very likely rework how it works when I rework the player movement.

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The game works now! :D

I managed to get a score of 2434!

Finally got around to setting up the web version! That was easier than I anticipated.

Yeah, I agree, the start of the game is really slow. Due to how spawning is set up, I wasn't entirely sure how to speed up the beginning without entirely messing up the balancing.

And yeah, gotta figure out the web export.

A very interesting idea! Very Novel!~

One thing, maybe the game could share how the person is feeling?

It doesn't need to be a counter or a bar or anything, it's just hard to intuit how someone feels just from reading text.

I tried to play this game without reading any of the comments beforehand, and I was unable to figure out how to play.

Even after reading through the comments, I still wasn't sure whether or not I properly understood the mechanics. Sometimes I'd try to drag something and it'd work, and other times it wouldn't. I never figured out if I was missing something, or if it was just game jam jank.

If you continue this, a tutorial of some kind is an absolute necessity.

Also, this game very much expects to be played at 1080p. The UI looks like it fits for the most part, but the actual game screen start to shrink into the top lefthand corner at higher resolutions.

Consider testing the game at different resolutions and aspect ratios.

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Unfortunately, Godot games tend to get a lot of false positives when tested with anti-virus programs. There is nothing I can do about this.

If you're worried, consider running the game in a sandboxed environment. Or don't run the game at all.

A deep, thought provoking experience.

I fully expected this game to turn my 1660ti into a jet engine, and it didn't disappoint!

Thank you!~ I wasn't sure if I would be able to finish the game as quickly as I did, but I sure did!~

As for a web export, I've actually never done it before. I'll have to give it a shot!
Although I should also add a proper way to restart the game too, among other things.

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An interesting idea. I did find the movement quite clunky. Holding down a direction allows you to move really fast, however I do find it a bit awkward that you move immediately upon holding the direction you want to move, but pause for a not insignificant amount of time before you actually begin moving automatically. This pause happens every time you try to change direction and is when I got caught 99% of the time. The only way I found to avoid this delay is to spam the direction I wanted to move in.

Also I wish I was able to move diagonally.

Other than that, I think this is cool. Maybe require the guards to flash you several times in quick succession before you actually get hypnotised.
Oh, and it does seem a bit brutal that guards can keep hypnotising you while you're hypnotised.

Unfortunately this game seems to be unplayable. It doesn't seem possible to progress past the title screen. The title screen also appears to be weirdly zoomed partially into a corner.

Exactly the same for me. I even tried both downloads and got the exact same result.

That is weird. Hope they can sort that out soon.

Maybe in the meantime, it might be possible to allow the player to remap their controls if anything's weird?

Also no, you can't win.

The spinning is supposed to discourage the player from going too fast.  Before I added it, it was too easy to get extremely high scores.

I'll admit, I should've added more feedback about it, lots of people seem to be confused about it.

The final screen tells you how many sperm you managed to destroy, which I guess is a kind of score.


I did make this game entirely in the final 24 hours, so some QOL features didn't make the cut due to time.

A lot of things that I'll consider if I ever come back to this.

A promising idea.

You could totally turn this into a full game if you added more variety.

Woah! This looks so cool! I really wish there was more to this. I'll have to keep an eye on this if you continue working on it!

All I'll say is that (at least for me on my XBOX controller) the prompt to Swap and Grab were swapped according to the button prompts, but the Eject button appears correct.

But yeah! Good game! Love how it feels, even in this early state!~

Woah! This game is a lot for a Jam entry! I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it, although I did get stuck for a while. I usually struggle to remember characters names. I did figure out what to do eventually though~

Absolutely inspires me to make something similar one day~

I mean, that'd probably work, right?

This game has one heck of a story, I hope you continue it, I'd love to see it done~

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I can not overstate how much I love these slimes!~ They look so pretty!

Not too hard when you get into the swing of things, but it does feel extremely punishing, since accidentally picking up too many black slimes just causes you to lose outright.

I'm pretty bad at these kinds of games, but this was a lot of fun!~

This is good fun! I'd be tempted to find someone to play this with eventually.

My only issue is with the camera. I feel like it'd work a bit better if the camera was higher up and a bit further out.
It's effectively impossible to know if you're running right at an enemy. I guess a radar could've also helped.

Lots of fun! I managed to achieve max love and strip all of her clothes off on the first try, but I did get hit a few times.

This is fun! It did make my GPU sound like a Jet engine, but the game ran well regardless.

Oh, this is good! I have a friend I'm gonna share this with! heheheh

Sorry for bothering you again, but when you reuploaded the files within the last 20 minutes, you forgot to tag the operating system for the new uploads.

Thank you!

Hey, can you please go into the "uploads" section of the project settings and correctly tag what operating system each download is for?

Since you haven't done this, it is impossible to download the game through the client.

You are aware that no one is making you pay, right? You can play what's here for $0.

Ohno! That behaviour on the behalf of the developers is absolutely horrendous!

They ought to give you a full refund!

(Also, not sure why you thought version 0.5 was the full game.)