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Steven Rafft

A member registered Feb 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the game, I'll hopefully add an option for the background buildings flying by too fast to lower their speed :) The golden dice mechanic makes you earn more cash when you click on it, we didn't have enough time to make the dice have some sort of animation, and I also wanted to make it so the "golden" of the dice can disappear after time, About the auto-roller we totally didn't think about that, that was a pretty obvious thing, but I guess we forgot it heh, I also forgot about the same number twice thing, that's my bad, Thank you for the feedback!

Also, If you're talking about the dice being "orangeish", then that's the dice being "golden" which makes you earn more cash.

Definitely the best game i've ever played in this jam, I will continue to play this. Loved it, good job!

Me and Sam didn't have enough time to add more stuff, sorry about that, And I'm not very good at balancing upgrades, About the dice icon sprite, The dice does not have a collider, If you press anywhere that is not close to a button the dice will roll, I don't understand the "the dice icon's sprite is glitching" part, Can you elaborate further?

Thank you for the feedback, I was actually thinking about making this a full game too, And do not worry, there will be an option for the speed of the background :)

Very good, I liked the game a lot, enjoyed it a lot, good job!

Loved the game, very fun, the puzzles are also hard, which i quite enjoy. Good job!

Amazing game 10/10!
