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Stephanie Angelo

A member registered May 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your response.  Not being the game designer, I'll have to get the answers to those questions.  At this time, I have my teams in Zoom, divide them into breakout groups of 6, and then they receive the user name and PW for the day and go off into their separtate teams to play.

Thanks for the referrals of what to look into.

Hello community,

I developed a game for corporate trainings and have used it with private clients for the last three years.   I am contemplating making it available for corporate groups to purchase incidences of play, for one team at a time (6 players per game) or multiple teams at a time.   There are some articles on itch, however I still have questions.

I'm wondering if there's anyone in this community who has a game available for multiple players and concurrent users who would help me wrap my head around how to launch this.   I would want to either message a conversation or chat for about 20 minutes.  
