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A member registered Mar 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for playing and for the very detailed feedback callmeDJ! I do admit I wish I could've conveyed the story better! But I am happy to hear that you enjoyed the gameplay at least! <3 ^^

Thank you so much Nowis for playing and for the review! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed and yesss triple rainbowflag is always a lovely strat for lady choker xD :D <3 And thank you, this is my first time with a jam with custom busts, so I hope to improve upon em more soon! ^^

Thank you so much KV for playing and for the review! I'm happy you enjoyed the pacing and gameplay for the most part! And yes, I do my best with the art and hopefully continue to improve upon 'em!! <3 ^^

Omggg Ronald! xDD I'm glad you like muscular David, as he is indeed the bomb! xD <3

Harold deserves max pocket kitties indeed! XD :D <3

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Omgggg thank you so much for the detailed and fun review Frogboy and ChatGPT xDD! I soooo love it! Glenda the robot tentacle waifu approves! xD And oh myyy!!! 3 pocket cats is not a bad strat. xD <3

That was quite the tale OMG. XD I chuckled a lot of the time and sometimes got confused lol! I do adore the artwork used in the end <3 Overall, the ideas are quite nice and I love the usage of very interesting vocabulary. xD

This was a short and fun cute entry! I love the usage of the low sprites for the cutscenes along with the nice backgrounds! I find the characters quite quirky as well, especially Lucius. (Seriously, what is it about Lucius always standing out in these harold jams? XD). The gameplay was fun with the timed attack mode and I love the anims and action sequences. Great job! <3

Omgggg that was funny and cute! Harold get your priorities straight! XD <3

Thank you so much for playing Lochraleon! I am so happy to hear you enjoyed the gameplay and story flow for the most part!! ^^ <3

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OMGG Hawkkkk XDD I know melons are juicy and huge, but like.... XDD Thanks so much again for the fun stream Hawk! <3

Thank you so much Human for playing the game! I'm very happy you enjoyed the combat system and the storyline for the most part! And yes, I did my best to have a fresh experience with each battle, so it's nice I could hit that mark at least and you had a good time with 'em. ^^ <3

Thank you so much Hei'an for playing the game and getting to the end! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the VN style cutscenes and gameplay! And ohh, yeah, I do understand the ending can be quite sudden, but it's actually just as simple as Harold waking up to a post-apoclyptic world due to him being on a coma and unable to help his team mates xD So there aren't any previous entries or games connected to it. :) Though I wish I conveyed that better. <3

Thank you so much TTSnim for playing and for the feedback! I'm very happy to hear you enjoyed the vibe and gameplay for the most part! <3 ^^

Lmaooo Hawk!! XDD

Thank you so much Reginald once again for playing this entry and I'm very happy to hear you enjoyed it and had a good time! ^^ <3 

This was a very entertaining jam game! From the lovely bust arts, to the shapely sprites, jiggle physics, and fun music! The characters were so delightful and funny! I love how colorful and different they are and how they interact with each other! The mini-VA's just added flavor to that. I'm convinced Speghetti man is a hallucination, but hey, he sort of helped in the end, so I'm not sure. xD The chase scenes were simple and fun, and there was some neat little puzzles and minigames like chasing after crabs and stuff. Nothing too complex, but it's right up my alley. <3 I do adore the mysteries of the depths and the horrors beneath em. And you get to challenge a literal god of the sea to a duel. 

You can discover fun endings, each with its own lovely CG art. Overall, this was such a fun and entertaining experience, I chuckled here and there, and got jumpscared at times. Wishing you the best in this jam! :D <3

OMGGG Ru-in would've been genius xDD <3 Ofc the Dark Lord would spare Ru-in's Drag Race. xD

I just saw the google doc of the ending! Really nice and cute!! <3

Hello Knight Shift and thank you very much for playing and for the detailed feedback! That link is very helpful for me for future artistic endeavors! And yeah, I do understand the "adult" themes and jokes can be quite all over the place, but I just had fun with making em for this short jam I admittedly haven't considered some very critical aspects of story telling, but alas. xD I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the battle system for the most part. <3

Thanks so much for playing HoneyNut! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I had fun with the stream! xD <3

Of course moogle! And yes, I do believe the skills system along with the battle system would work very well in a long term RPG, since there's so much customization and it would be fun to see made in a longer game where players have more chances to explore different builds. <3 I'm not sure if I found anything confusing since the skill to equip system felt straightforward, but I imagine it might overwhelm some people having that many options at the start, but I didn't mind it. xD 

Omgggg this entry was super funny. xD I know AI is a controversial topic, and it might turn some people off, but ya'll should give this a chance, it's all in good fun. I love how it makes fun of A.I. and there's a lot of funny texts with the items and whatnot. Although I feel like the random encounters frequency was a bit much, thankfully you can easily faceroll thru them with the strong gears or just escape. xD Overall, it's a very fun humorous entry despite the usage of A.I. resources. :D Great job! <3

Very fun entry as always! I loved the Rm2k3 graphics in the beginning and how it transitioned into NES-like pixels which were fun to see! I'm also very honored to see Klein as a guest character in this along with the other cool chars! I love that there are a ton of options to customize your party's skills via weapon/armor equipment. The battles were fairly balanced and I enjoyed the challenge when it was present. (I played in normal mode). I finished in about an hour and a half, so that was a good time spent. Amazing job! <3

Hi Sawyer and thanks so much for playing! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the gameplay for the most part! xD And yeah, I do understand the "adult" themes can be a bit much in some cases, but I did try to be tame. :D And yes, I'll do my best to improve upon my artistic journey, thankfully I've had wonderful people help me as well with feedback on them. <3

I'm usually used to RPGs with battles, but this was a nice change of pace. Very relaxing and enjoyable to just collect fairies and shrooms for the people. xD There are some really nice puzzles too and stages that require your patience so you don't fall. Also found the quirky NPCs very funny and entertaining. XD Overall, its a cute and relaxing experience and I did enjoy it overall! Great job! <3

Very cute and funny entry! XD I love the choose your own adventure style and deciding the fate of poor little guinea pig Harold. The music was funky, and the guinea pig party members were so fun to see. Also, that reveal at the end was golden. xD Overall, very funny and entertaining entry with cute guinea pig arts! Great job! <3

I really enjoyed the graphics of this game! Artwork and pixel arts are superb, deffo inspired me as well! :D The heavy rock/metal music was also very cool! Love that! I adore the unique classes and skills each chars have which I assume are based on MMO FF (which I haven't played yet xD), though I wish there were more progression to the battle, but as it is, it works and it's done in a short period (I spent most of my time escaping the mobs after the 1st dungeon xD). Harold looked epic btw. Great job with this entry! :D

I love the fun action battle system! It took me some time to get used to it, but when I did, it felt satisfying! The pixel arts and overall graphics are great! Music is fun! Reid battle kept me on my toes and I loved the boss design so much! Really epic battle! :D Overall a very fun experience! Great job on this entry! <3

But after I beat Reid, it seems like it just ends up on a black screen for me :O I don't know if it's only me, but like, I can hear the dialogue sounds but nothing shows up. x((

Thanks so much, StayAwakeGames!! I am so happy to hear you enjoyed the game and the silly humor as well! XD <3

Awesome! You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to switch party members! ^^ Hope you enjoy! :D

Yeah, I understand how the chase scenes can be daunting, and I wish I implemented it better. xD But yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed the game overall! Thanks so much for playing!! Also subbed to your channel! :D

I'm glad you enjoyed the dialogues and cutscenes hahah xD Thanks so much for playing and for this fun LP! :D

Hello Hei'an, and ohh! You are actually meant to use David's healing for that part, so you can switch over to David to use up your FP :) But I'll take the possibility of getting stuck there into consideration and fix it for an update. Thank you! :D

Lmaooo Berry XDD Why you gotta spoil the entire plot like that? xDDD Accurate though.

I enjoyed this entry! I love the replayability and the different experiences each character provides. Having cooldowns as resources was also a very unique touch. Lucius' variant was very funny xD There seems to be a one-shot way to win using Reid, so I'm unsure if that was intentional. :O Overall I love the intriguing plot and the variants were very fun in their way.

PS: There seems to be a bug in the select screen. I'm not sure. But when a certain char gets unlocked, his sprite below doesn't show up when you highlight his face, but it shows up when I highlight below him. Also, I saw Ralph and Eric but they were un selectable! (This was after fighting the final battle).

I love how trippy this was xD :D Something about the glitchy reality that is so funny and charming! The choices were so random! XD Also, I chose to do 9999999999 damage cause I can! I loved this fun entertaining entry! <3 

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This was such a fun entry! I got a score of 6800!! I love the cute ship sprites for the different party members, and that they have their own unique projectiles and special moves! That transformation at the end was very cool as well! <3 Go lightning sparks xDD I don't know if I can give any feedback to make it better since it's already great as is, but I would deffo suggest a usage of the sprint command, so the ship can go faster, but with a gauge maybe? But yess, overall, once again a very innovative entry from Nowis that really pushes the RM engine with very fun gameplay mechanics! I especially enjoyed the semi- final boss. Amazing job!! <3

I played tested this during its beta phase, and I enjoyed seeing all the improvements and the new anomalies xD :D <3 As always, a very fun and cute game that leaves you becoming more aware of the surroundings and having that excitement and tension of hopefully getting thru the room without missing an anomaly :D I also enjoyed the cuteee pixel sprites so much! I want a plushie of 'em xD :D <3 But yeahhh! A very fun entry by BabeElena! Best wishes on the jam! ^^