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A member registered Sep 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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hey, if you want any help game making, id be glad to help out :D 

i wanna submit a thingy i made that isnt itself a ttrpg but it is specifically for tabletop games (its a virtual table)

this is like an amazing combination of zelda music and mario galaxy (which is my favorite game ost). i have become a big fettuccini fan here! i edited the music to remove the drumbeat to get a calmer mood, i think it fits the vibe of this better

im definitely using this in my own project (with credit)! want a link?

amazing, cute, short and wholesome

it was a joke, but yea youre not wrong

this is so chill and awesome!!

smh, already joined 🙄 /j


pretty self explanatory. im a streamer and id love to play anti capitalist stuff on stream.

i also mean to make stuff for the jam so i might stream that as well but no promises </3

also my internet service provider is blocking me from viewing the jam's page on my laptop??? lmfao

extremely niche but just as cool

thanks, i made it in 5 minutes ;)


oh hi mark

ty! ive had this idea in my head for months now, it took me less than 2 weeks to make with pico 8 which is awesome. by "hard to read" im assuming you mean the font, and yeah that is a bit clunky, but making it any bigger wouldve taken too much space in the sprites.. glad you like it!


thanks! honestly my main idea for the blanket was kinda to just burrito in it facing the camera but it looked kinda weird, and i didnt think much about the table, i kinda just put it there. the theme gave me a lot of trouble, i didnt have a lot of ideas so i barely made anything and submitted pretty early - i was the first submission. 

thank you so much! that means a lot to me!!! i dont live in a snowy country, so my associations with the word winter is mostly stuff i see thats christmas related. i didnt wanna draw my non-snowy winter stuff because most people would probably consider it more autumn, if not summer, and i wouldnt have had many ideas for it anyway. 

i have no idea what youre talking about but im glad you like it :)

thank you for the redirection! 

to be clear i wanna essentially make my own version of it (on itch) but not monetized. the lisence thing is a lot of text and from skimming it its not very clear, but ill read through it more closely and ill message again if i have a question. 

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hey, um, i couldnt find anywhere else to contact you through

your "togetherness table" thing is really awesome and id love to help expand on it. im not a programmer but i do art and ive had the same idea for a virtual tabletop for a few months now so ive drawn some stuff related to it, as well as having more ideas for stuff it could have.

though, at a glance, it seems kinda abandoned. if that is the case id appreciate permission to use it as a base to create my own (with major credit given.)

thanks in advance and once again sorry for commenting about it on your other project's page, i couldnt find another way to contact you...

you should make a mobile version of this! also itd be neat if it were possible to add recurring tasks or have custom icons for certain tasks or something

did you use a function of some sort to calculate the roll? like, given a time, do you have a mathematical function (say, hour times minutes modulus 6) you could use to find the number or is a chart 100% required?

hahaha i cant believe i got last wow

was it just because its a physical game or something (i mean i wouldnt be surprised if it werent cause of that)


i think i mentioned it on the assets' page?

i have really made a game with an established story yet, and as an aro, this seems like a great idea to start with a unique and personal experience. however i also take forever to come up with stories lmao. anyway good luck everyone

super cute game

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thank you, but unfortunately i dont have twitter ;^^ if you have discord id be happy to contact you from there. also, youre welcome! its well deserved. honestly this game hits way different when out of lockdown, but it still definitely hits.

also, kind of a weird unrelated request: does anyone own the game on steam? i like to put my itch-purchased stuff on steam (via "add non-steam game") and i like it to have the same icons and stuff as it would have if i bought it through steam, but i cant find the icons and title and stuff used by steam for it because i dont have it on steam... if anyone could help me out thatd be a huge help

amazing game. the art is really pretty, and the story is honestly one of the best videogame stories ive experienced ever.