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A member registered Jan 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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Nice little game. Can't get past level 13, but I feel I left the galaxy in a tidier place than I found it!

Sorry to hear it crashed, but hopefully you have source control to roll back to the 4.2.2 version, and if so I'd be tempted to try again.

I managed to migrate my WIP project from 4.2.x to one of the 4.3 betas a couple of months back, which if I recall required a few manual tweaks to get working, but not a lot.

Might be worth posting on the Godot forums to see if anyone else has seen the same issue. Good luck.

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Nice work all, thank you, and know you are amazing.

Being 2 weeks out from my first game's RC1, it was only this morning I started worrying I might need to ship on Godot 4.3 RC3, but I'll worry no more.

Love it, it looks and sounds great, and is a really nice take on asteroids.

I got past the 1st tile level today in Chrome, and completed a few levels before it crashed again. It *might* be crashing sometimes after I press R to restart the level, but it could just be my Chrome...

FYI - Chrome has crashed a couple of times on the first tile level, but I'll download and try one of the desktop versions

Nice one, it's looking great.

Hey, just saw we both posted DevLogs with Octopus pictures at nearly the same time, so I wanted to say hello.

Although I moved to Godot for my first game, I played with MonoGame in a previous incarnation of the game, and loved it, so I'm looking forward to reading how you go.

Thank you, much appreciated.

And the controls are something I need to look at. Some people like them, and some find them a little challenging, so I'm going to see if I can tweak them a touch.

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Coming at you straight from your favourite browser, Unicopia is a retro 2D platformer that harks back to the arcade age. Jump up and down the tower searching for the key before the ghost catches you.

Play the 5-level demo while it's hot: