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A member registered May 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice Game! The character controls are perfect! The UI could be improved and the difficulty could be lowered ( for my taste )

Took me around two hours to finally beat it, thank you for the awesome experience!

Nice, but it took me a while to figure how to play/start. Without the helpful "click here to begin" would i be lost :(

But the game itself is fun!

Its a hard one to rate! it's an awesome entry for a 3 day jam.

there's a lot i liked about the game ( art, concept, minimal story, its loads extremely fast) .

But then theres the "jamming the spacebar" control mechanic and the camera is for my taste to far away.

nice, but i cant tell whats going on the screen :(

the mouse controls could be improved and maybe set the character/player more apart from the rest of the game

Good concept!

the idea is nice, its one of those "easy, but hard to master" games.  One highlight of the jam for sure!

What a fun ride! the art style is perfect for this kind of game. really solid entry ! an good/polished 3D game for this short game jam - much respect

Nice entry, was a fun game to play.

the idea is fun, but in the current state its not using its full potential. for example sounds & particles/effects would improve the game a lot

Nice game, impressive for a 3 day jam.

I really like the concept and the "game feel" is really good too!

Its awesome!

Its fun to kick/push the penguins around.

Really good jam entry! Its a nice game.

but it took me longer than im willing to admit to start the game ( i didnt understand that i have to turn the clock 360° degrees). 

Hello fellow Godot user :)

nice little game, the penguin is moving to fast and somekind of instruction would be helpful ( whats the goal, how to control the penguin)

Hello fellow Godot user :)

nice little game, the penguin is moving to fast and somekind of instruction would be helpful ( whats the goal, how to control the penguin)