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A member registered Oct 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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It'd definitely be nice. I haven't been able to play in a while because I can't use a mouse and keyboard for very long anymore. I really miss playing this game so controller support would let me return to it.

I know there's some typing involved so maybe having a list of phrases/keywords we could toggle through is an idea.

Lost my mind watching my team members play your game. wanted to come back and congratulate you on that presentation ranking. very nice

Isn't it strange that creating a game purely for oneself has become a role reversal? I think that's what this game is, pure. It's just you, and thank you for sharing.

this game. is adorable. There's a few other games with this concept that I played but yours is the first to make it so the leash is finite, which certainly changes up the gameplay. Overall incredibly cute and something I would come back to whenever I need to chill.

Thank you SO much for the review. It really warms my heart to hear how much you enjoyed the characterization. I will convey your love for the duo to the rest of the team and we'll imagine that you liked Naoki's video about the house. ;)

Cat actually only designed Finlay! Cheririm designed Naoki and the monster designs, and the ghosts are my characters. (Fun fact: those ghosts also feature in the other game jam I wrote, No Need for Best.)

What a fun little puzzle game! I didn't get to the end (if there is one), but I really enjoyed what I did play. The balls moving have a really satisfying noise to them too.

I'm so glad you enjoyed! The 'finding the right thing to click' is unfortunately a staple of old school point and clicks, but as long as you had fun with the rest, then we succeeded! :)

i don't know how to make friends but this did bring joy into my life

I'm a huge fan of this concept and it plays really well. I had a lot of fun.

The puzzles were fun and the art is so cute!! My only critique is that the hitbox on the human is a bit hard to figure out, but other than that I had an amazing time.

Unsure how I'm supposed to be moving things around the level. R doesn't seem to do anything, but I adore the art and concept!

this game makes me happy on a spiritual level

this game watered my crops, cleared my skin, and cured my depression. thank you

hi i love this.....

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Good concept, but the second puzzle doesn't seem to function so I wasn't able to progress. I play on controller and even tried to type in the solution using keyboard, but nothing happened.

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Interesting concept, though functionality seems a bit sticky re: the lever to drop the body. Clicking it on the same position doesn't immediately do anything, and I have to click a few times just to get it to function once (either to open or close, as in, I click twice to close the bridge when it's open). If this is from needing to inhibit input during the animation, I'd suggest doing away with the need for a second click and having the bridge replace itself automatically.

Trying the windows version, getting failure to load mono? A shame because this looks neat and I'd love to play.

Haven't finished, but do wanna point out that the first level is very finicky, and difficult to press the buttons. The next level actually has a prompt, which seems.... strange to say the least, given the lack of prompt in the first level. Atmosphere is cool, though, and if it weren't for the finicky first level, I probably would've kept playing.

You know what, short and simple, exactly what it advertises. The scare's pretty neat, and I liked the hints of a larger story. Well done, you two!

I adore the concept and the art style, but it does feel a bit purposeless, like others have said. Congrats on making a very nicely polished game! I'm definitely intrigued, and I would love to see more with this sort of style, though maybe with a bit more story or goals put in.

This is a fun little puzzle! I appreciate how simple and effective it is. There are a few bugs here and there (events not firing properly, I assume), but it's a game jam game, and a good one at that! Props to you, creator!

This is so cute! Haven't figured out how to not destroy the world yet, but getting the cat high as a kite is just as good. Great job!

Just played! Had an interesting time, though it seems very easy to miss a bunch of the content - I managed to hit the final cutscene without seeing any runes, at least not that I could notice. I did enjoy it, though. The stylistic choices were great!

Hey, this was a fun little game. I love how fluid and expressive the animations are. The way the arms move fascinated me, and everything really flowed together. Great job!