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A member registered Jun 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ayyee thanks for playing! 

Saw this entry on stream and knew I had to give this a play! This is a lot of fun and I was able to get my name in the leaderboard too which is pretty sick. Nice entry!

Glad you enjoyed the story and decided to give it a play as well! For the enemies sometimes not returning, its a bug for them to not immediately go back, and I don't really know a solution to it. However, it may be consider a feature too as it can give some personality to the enemies like maybe one is still suspicious before returning back lol. Thanks for playing the game! 

Ahh glad I was able to impress despite spoiling some of the content in my updates! I'm also very happy to hear you was very immersed in the gameplay and story! Thanks for playing our game

Ayyee top 5 is huge! Thank you for your generosity! 

Thank you! Yeah I knew some people interested in voice acting and I knew how to easily implement it, so I felt like I needed it in the game to really sell its story together.  Glad its one of your faves!

Update to my previous post: Got to play the bug free version and its a lot of fun, glad you reminded me of the fix! I would say maybe having a wrong indication sound when giving the incorrect Ice cream as I had a few moments where I was so confused why they weren't taking it until I realize it needed sprinkles. Nice work on the game! 

Lovely pixel art on the character and environment! The music is pretty captivating in keeping me engaged as well! The puzzles felt kind of tedious as it just moving the same rocks and sometimes I keep getting them stuck and having to restart it all over again. The gameplay is missing a element that can break the tedious cycle of moving rocks. Nevertheless nice work on the game!

Some lovely art, and seeing a RPG style is dope! The menu sounds were a bit too loud, but thankfully you had option to lower it. It was missing some type of audio for the gameplay as it felt kind of empty without it. I was also lost navigating through the story. But, I do like the gameplay approach, nice game. 

Ayyee thanks for playing! Glad you enjoy the audio and the art! The creature design I knew I needed something with 4 limbs, big, threatening, and similar to the other enemies and after some references it became alive!

Damn, I guess I miss a spot when trying to fix that issue. Thanks for mentioning this! 

Thank you for a detailed review! Glad it was able to convey the theme in many ways and that the voice acting caught you off guard! As for the enemies not being able to catch up, it was a decision I made as when they were the same or faster than the player it became exponentially harder.  Especially if the enemies follows you into the next area making that section even more challenging. I was hoping the less speed would make the experience a lot easier, but also not too easy and from what you wrote it seems I accommodated that balance. Thanks for playing our game!

Thank you! Glad the cutscenes and voice acting set the feel of the game! Yeah it can get challenging when surrounded, but glad you found the mechanics fun! 

Glad you enjoy the audio and mechanic idea! Yup the AI's getting stuck is a feature lol. I did made sure to prevent Felix from getting stuck due to many trial and error, unless you meant Felix got stuck?

Glad you enjoyed it! The mirror is a good guy, I don't know why people are saying these things ;)

Thank you for playing!

On Discord, Manisha mention that people can now reupload their game to fix game breaking bugs. Should definitely do a fix before more people miss out on playing this!

The title art looks so good and the letters story is pretty interesting! I would say I think the game is bugged as the others had mention, as the aliens show up for a bit then disappeared and I'm left with a sandbox of ice cream choices. Unless I missed something, I was really excited to make some ice cream for these little guys.  

The time slowing down is so dope and the combat interactions is great! The art really captures the feel nicely too. I would say the difficulty is pretty hard at first, but after a few minutes in I got adjusted to it and it became really fun. Awesome work!

I haven't play a jam game about music before, and I'm glad this is the first! Got a little teased when there was only one level, but it was fun and the music is very nice! 

The voice effects for the animals caught me off guard in a great way! The gameplay chase was a cool idea, but I didn't feel too threatened by the storm as it felt pretty far. Nice work on the game!

The music made it so intense that kept me so engage in the gameplay. The characters look so cute, but I noticed a bug where my character after taking some damage started rotating non stop. I was a little lost on the abilities until after a few minutes in. But, regardless nice short game!

Yup, wanted to make sure players can see everything in the jam. Thanks for playing!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the multiple endings too!

Yup in the thanks for playing screen, there's two button "Go back?" and "Proceed". Regardless, restarting the game lets you see the subtle hints even more like the voices and the Mirror's response to it for instance!

Love the city building aspect! The pixel art of the buildings looks very nice and the music is so chill! Seeing people run around the roads is very cute, but I wish I was able to sell buildings as some roads couldn't connect due to bad placement of my buildings. The way of getting money is pretty confusing, but I did love the little demonstration video of getting started in the game. Nice work!

Such a cozy and beautiful game! The concept of freezing and using scissors is a nice approach and there's so many levels too!  

Thank you for playing! The story I'm very proud to make it to fruition!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the 10 out of 10 review, very happy to see you enjoyed our work a lot! The art I made sure to be very expressive since there's not much new scenery or fancy animations being shown here. For the concept design of the enemies I made some interesting lore before designing them, for example in ending 2 you can see a little hint of lore of the 1st enemy when the player gets grabbed. The mirror guy is pretty convincing, I was hoping the visuals on the last door and the voices of level 2 could help wavier the trust, but the mirror is just too good. Thanks for playing!

Thanks! The story was only fully fleshed out thanks to the theme being freeze! Glad the two endings are enjoyable! As the last jam I did, the endings felt very eh, so I didn't want to repeat that again.

Thank you! We had a vivid view of the story, so we knew what we wanted to draw or sound out to make this the best it could be. Both endings could be the good or the bad, who knows......

I really like the idea of using the beach to heat up and the tutorial to get us going! If the game has music to complement the gameplay pacing, it would cover the premise of this very well! Since it was the only three enemies I wasn't able to feel immersed for very long. Regardless nice game, it just needed a few touches in Audio and encounters. 

The music is very nice and I like the concept behind the fire rising up! However, I wasn't able to get past the first level because I have no idea how to push the button and attempts without pressing it led to my demise. At first I thought I was supposed to throw the ice to the fire to clear the passageway, but that only led to my game over.

Love the arcade feel to this! Would say at the start we was just jumped into combat right away and the enemies felt a little repetitive that at some point I just started running past them all with ease. The boss fight cutscene and halfway mark of the fight was very cool and the teleporting sound reminds of Dragon Ball. The boss attacks did felt a little unforgiving as for me to perfectly dodge the projectiles was to move back and jump constantly, and I noticed that you can't move in the air once you jump standing still. It was a challenging but nice game!

I LOVE the sound effects, it makes everything so lively and the artwork style and UI compliments it well. I was unsure how to activate the time freezing mechanic, but it was a fun time. 

Glad you enjoyed the story and little details! Yeah I was afraid of it might getting repetitive after the first two levels since the mechanic is very simple, but I already committed through via story and time, so I tried to make the levels not too long to accommodate the slight repetition. Thanks for playing!  

So fast pace, I had a lot of fun playing this and I didn't realize that I can multitask until after my third customer. The sounds and music felt cozy and the process of getting the drinks isn't confusing. Great work on the game!

I love the art especially with how well you able to convey stuff with a few colors. The idea is solid, but I was struggling a bit as in some instances I had the worse cards for the situations in front of me, its probably me being unlucky. Awesome work on the game!