Thanks a ton for the feedback! I also agree that some basic feedback about ammo and health, even at an alpha build, is a must. I'm going to make that an early next priority. And I also agree that using both left and right mouse buttons would be better. Really glad to hear about the feel of the core mechanics, thanks again!
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Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback! I was actually considering having the other weapon auto-reload even while it's not equipped, I also feel like that would help keep the flow of the action better :) Yeah, I probably should have SOME basic UI for at least health. And I'm actually planning to incorporate that right mouse button system for quick-firing your secondary weapon, or perhaps for switching to it altogether. Really glad to hear about the core gameplay!!
Thanks for the feedback! Very glad to hear the pacing's better! I for sure agree screen shake would be a welcome addition for not just slamming but also firing, that's probably a step past the core gameplay stage right now. And I plan to implement right-click + left-click for the 2 weapons :) That's an interesting idea with water/lava, it might take a while to implement but I do plan to have more hazards to interact with!
I'm amazed at how well animated the big green enemy is - that thing had an impressive number of moving parts! The speed of animations in general felt good, I also liked the consistency of the old-paper aesthetic. On menus, I was surprised that I couldn't just click the button, like 'press c to continue' - I was trying to click it at first. Also, the Esc key doesn't work to exit looking at stats, and the music feels too chill given the action taking place. Level 4 was incredibly tough for me and I wasn't able to pass it. Good job for all the systems you got working on this!
This is a really good looking game, way to go! Good atmosphere was established. I really like the design of the rotating stones and the blue/red orbs! Audio wise, the footsteps on stone are muffled vs. other sounds, and jump sound feels odd, like wet cloth hitting something. One time, when I was carrying a crate and pushing another crate, the one getting pushed shot off into space, and I assume a new one then dropped into its place. Laughs ensued, so feature, not a bug!
I did have one big issue, at top of the 1st level, the first time I tried it, the crate didn't activate the button on top, but it did after I restarted the level.
Nicely done!
- the core of this feels tight and responsive
- swing attack feels like the right relative distance
- art is very cohesive
- wall jump feels good
- Good audio (except jump, which sounds lower quality)
- sword sound doesn't play on rapid follow up
- left/right movement choppy relative to static objects (updating camera position in LateUpdate might fix this?)
- walk animation slow relative to movement
I wanna try more of this!
Wow... thanks a ton!! I'm thrilled that people are actually having fun with this 😂
My thought with failure is that you're failing in how to properly use a cannon, as intentionally launching them around is a bizarre way to use them. And that's a fair point with the tomatoes, I was gonna add some splashy effects for when they get wrecked.
Thank you much again. Really glad you enjoyed the core mechanic!
Great looking game visually! Particularly liked the particle effects from jumping and the transitions when a promotion happened! I ran into a bug where one time, only one block loaded in for a level so it wasn't possible to pass it. Another time, on a ceo of ketchup inc level, there was a thin platform that I could only land on momentarily before falling through it. I was able to move on by quickly jumping when I hit it.
The visuals in this game. WOW. I especially love the enemy design and the background. I hope one day I can draw half as good as your team! This felt really polished except that sometimes I got FPS drops (running Firefox with an RTX 2060 super). I didn't make it to the end but enjoyed what I played :)
Congrats for finishing a game for the first time in a while!! I couldn't tell when I could place puddles, so I wound up spam clicking a lot and hoping one would show up. Showing in the UI if you can place one would help, also speeding up the pace you can place those would add some interest. Getting new plants was cool, I didn't make it far enough to tell what they did though.
Nicely done! You have a great sense for level layout! The first level with 2 white barriers was confusing because the tomato looked clearly like it should have been able to jump on top of the one on the left, but the tomato just refused to go on top of it, like there were an invisible collider on top of it. I also didn't realize you could portal-warp the boxes as well as yourself until I discovered by accident - not gonna lie that was a cool feeling! I couldn't figure out the one with the green portal, it always teleported me back to there so I didn't see a way to win. Again great work
First ever game jam. Disclaimer: this game has almost no content.
A/D keys to rotate, space to fire the cannon. Sorry nothing happens if you fall off the map, you'll have to manually restart the game.
After mistaking what time this jam ended... I wound up having about 3.5 hours to create this, hence why it lacks in polish. And content. And gameplay.
Figured I'd publish anyways. Feedback appreciated if you enjoyed anything about the microscopic amount of gameplay ya get.