Very cute game. I liked the "challenge" mechanic that allow unraveling the mystery little by little until you have to come to the ultimate conclusion.
Ju / smwhr
Creator of
Recent community posts
An entertaining and engaging story, with great (re)play value and stylish prose. I very much enjoyed the ride climb !
It reminded me of La Tour by Schuiten and Peeters a comic I hold in great esteem.
There are no file _per se_, the save is located in the localstorage of the embedded electron browser and is not accessible. The only way to have a "save file" is to "export a playable", save it to disk, and then load it again. The playable file contains everything (all the tiles, all the rooms, the source ink and the compiled ink). This playable file should be versionnable easily (the bipsi json and the ink script are both saved with correct line formatting, so that git can diff it correctly)
Les résultats de l'ECTOCOMP Française sont dans la boîte !
La Petite Mort
Gagnante : La Petite Mort par manonamora
2e place : Une histoire par dunin
3e place : Torche et Sors par Khü Bone
Le Grand Guignol
Gagnant : Une soirée costumée par smwhr
2e place : Fragment d'une vie par LauraCrossheart
Merci à tous les participants pour leurs fictions interactives de qualité et félicitation aux gagnants.
Merci à Ruber Eaglenest de m'avoir fait confiance pour l'organisation de la version francophone.
Remerciement tout particulier à feldo d'avoir fait la promotion de tous ces jeux sur son stream twitch.
Et enfin un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont pris le temps de voter et de laisser un commentaire sur les jeux de chacun, c'est de là que provient souvent la plus grande satisfaction ! (il n'est pas trop tard pour en laisser si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait)(par contre c'est trop tard pour voter !)
On se retrouve l'an prochain pour l'ECTOCOMP 2023, et d'ici là, pour d'autres jams francophones (et internationales on l'espère)
The sun doesn't shine here : a cosmic horror game made for Cosmic Horrors Jam and ECTOCOMP (Le Grand Guignol) by Stanwixbuster.
Left at home is an experimental narrative game featuring a binksi integration as a fever dream interrupting a more classic visual novel.
Mmade for THE TRANS JOY JAM by RodFireProductions.
This year's inkjam had its fair share of binksies (4 on 29 entries) :
The story and the settings were really engaging. The thrill of lying and getting by without getting caught is very nice. The character of the wife may need to be pushed a little beyond just being needy, though.
All the mechanics are clever (money, quest, ) and I see great potential in the drag and drop interface if you expand the story and add choices in there too.
However, I think the text presentation needs a little more polish (not much : a little padding, more contrast, better alignement, differentiating choices) and it would make for a true 5-stars game !
Very interesting way of generating the code. I know of some people who used ruby to generate code !
The ink code for the Lieutenant Bokit game is downloadable directly on the game. It's peculiar because it adheres to binksi rules and, for once, does not make use of threads (which is my favorite ink affordance)