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A member registered May 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is really cute. I love how you stylized everything!

This game is very cute, and I really enjoyed walking around taking photos of everything.

I often feel the same when it comes to anger: either I'm not allowed to feel or that I shouldn't feel it at all. I was hoping to push the truth that you're allowed to feel enraged by how others have treated you and wanted to create a safe environment to do so.

I'm really glad you enjoyed the experience and that it made you happy ♡

You're very sweet ♡ I'm happy I was able to help you live through your revenge fantasy. I hope you have a lovely month.

'Dance of the Knights' is pretty good atmospheric one to loop for this. I'm glad I was able to cause you such emotions. ♡

I'm glad you like them. I'm currently making a website to try and expand on them more <3 Also yes, others are allowed to make characters from my unicorns. All I ask is that you credit and share it with me. I'd love to see what you'd make. 🦄

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the dialogue; it's mostly based on how I talk to my partner. And trust me, blending those mediums was a hassle. Trying to get them not to fight each other took up most of my time on this. ♡

I'm happy you enjoyed it. Though I was bullied into charging for it, I still wanted my financially unlucky peers to be able to experience it. I'm glad it was able to tap into something specific for you; I wanted this to cause a unique experience that I haven't come across often. ♡

It would be amazing to beat up god. I'm glad you enjoyed it <3

Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it ♡

Honestly, I spent most of my time just trying to get those code bits to work properly;; I'm glad you like it ♡

Thank you for making this! I ended up using it for a project of mine:

Thank you ♡ I'm glad you like this old thing

You don't have to thank me. I'm happy you liked it! ♡

I'm glad you like vis design ♡. I wasn't really sure where I was going with it, I kinda just went with whatever my hand decided to draw at that moment and didn't have the heart to change it afterwards. Vi is a cutie.

Absolutely eggcellent 🥚

I'm glad you enjoyed it ♡

You're too kind ♡ It makes me happy to know it helped you in some way. I hope you continue to find ways to help you let that tension out of your body.

I'm glad you liked it! And yeah, I tried to add as many options I could think of because I've realized how underrepresented a lot of labels are in games. Honestly, I consider it lucky if there even is a nonbinary option to begin with.

I'm really glad you liked it! ♡

Speaking of your crush... I won't lie, I almost added a romance element into it. Maybe in the future.

I wish I had recommendations, but I personally haven't come across games dealing with what mine does. I wish you luck on your search though.

And thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it. You have a nice day as well!

There's no need to thank me. Thank you for your feedback and for playing. ♡

I'm glad you enjoyed it <3

Thank you! You're too kind ♡

I feel quite dumb, that was exactly the issue. Thank you for your help!

I've come across an issue. Every time I attempt to save, I get this error: 
'ink' seems to be undefined, and I'm unsure how to fix it.

Thank you! I'll look into this.

Howdy! I been messing around with this for a little bit, and I can't seem to figure out how to get memory card to work. I won't lie, I'm not the best with javascript. I was wondering if you had any code examples that dealt with saving and loading game progress.

Thank you for for your hard work creating these tools. You're doing great.

Thank you! You're too kind <3

I don't know how to explain how do it exactly, but I can send you the one file I had to edit to fix the issue and have you replace the original one with my edited one.

I was actually having the same issue as well, so I decided to go looking through the script to see what was the matter. It turns out that the squiggly man dialogue is part of something else and that it jumped to that dialogue due to not having anywhere else to go. After the line "You look at the notes in your hand and finally understand," it seems that there was suppose to be a choice of whether or not you thought the poetry was great or not, but one wasn't there even though there was code programmed for after you chose.  Since I have some experience in Ren'Py, I was able to code in the choice and attach it to the already programmed scenes they were supposed to lead to. After that I was able to get the ending to make sense and even looked at old videos of people playing through the game to comfirm that I attached the choices to the right scenes.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my short vn! And I don't mind at all. I see it as an honor that someone cared enough to make a video from it.

Very interesting and enjoyable. 

The art is quite nice as well.

I actually ended up getting the app because of this. It's quite nice, and I love the visuals.

I'm sure you already know how messed up the following Onivia route it, but I think the rest of it is pretty cute. Also I love the character designs and the art.

This is short and simple, but I really like it. 
And I had no idea that wowaka had passed away. I hope he rests in peace.

I love this game, but please what is the name of the song