This is really cute. I love how you stylized everything!
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I often feel the same when it comes to anger: either I'm not allowed to feel or that I shouldn't feel it at all. I was hoping to push the truth that you're allowed to feel enraged by how others have treated you and wanted to create a safe environment to do so.
I'm really glad you enjoyed the experience and that it made you happy ♡
Thank you for making this! I ended up using it for a project of mine:
Howdy! I been messing around with this for a little bit, and I can't seem to figure out how to get memory card to work. I won't lie, I'm not the best with javascript. I was wondering if you had any code examples that dealt with saving and loading game progress.
Thank you for for your hard work creating these tools. You're doing great.
I was actually having the same issue as well, so I decided to go looking through the script to see what was the matter. It turns out that the squiggly man dialogue is part of something else and that it jumped to that dialogue due to not having anywhere else to go. After the line "You look at the notes in your hand and finally understand," it seems that there was suppose to be a choice of whether or not you thought the poetry was great or not, but one wasn't there even though there was code programmed for after you chose. Since I have some experience in Ren'Py, I was able to code in the choice and attach it to the already programmed scenes they were supposed to lead to. After that I was able to get the ending to make sense and even looked at old videos of people playing through the game to comfirm that I attached the choices to the right scenes.