Props for having animal genitalia in a FVN, this space is flooded with humanoid only,
Recent community posts
1. This is undoubtedly one of the prettiest visual novels I've ever seen. All the art is amazing, and the writing's not half bad either - can't wait for more. Gives me some ideas for my own work, even.
2. Once there's lewd content, will there be both topping and bottoming options, at least by-character if such options won't exist for all of them? I like what I see enough that I'll play it either way, but with the chars all being tall wolf men I do hope this won't be an obligate bottom game.
3. A lot of the prose and ideas make me think you ought to try Golden Treasure: The Great Green - you might really like it. It's got a demo, and hell, I'll buy you a copy next time it goes on sale if wanted.
4. I volunteer to try making you some music!
Oh sweet, a furry VN that doesn't look like trash!
Played, and it's pretty good so far. Can't wait for more content, especially knowing that, given it's Nomax, chances are there'll be species-corresponding genitalia.
I must ask, because I'm an autist - how's Samuel have "tattooed markings" when he has fur?
By the way, there's a typo where Samuel is referred to as "she": "She looks at both Julian and you." Also, the "ass beat" line plays twice.
Lemme at that cute lizard's cloaca
No problem - I wish you well!
Glad to hear you take polite criticism well - makes me even more excited for the game. The more games that give me the same dread and mystery of Hyper Light Drifter, the better.
In regards to the interaction button, perhaps instead you could have a simple interaction marker that floats over things when you're near them, like Hyper Light Drifter does?
I very much like the artstyle (I can see you are based Hyper Light Drifter appreciators).
Here are my critiques:
1. PLEASE give us an option to disable chromatic aberration and vignette. I absolutely despise these effects.
2. The letterboxing during parries is very jarring and unnecessary.
3. No need for the "Press [button] to do thing" prompts more than once. They're unnecessary and negatively impact the atmosphere. If the player sees a lever, they'll understand trying to press the interact key next to it.
4. The dust effect when sprinting looks a bit silly.
5. Simple blade has a typo in its description ("it's" should be "its"), and Cutlass repeats "Pretty nice sword" over the entire description area.
6. Sang's response to Malak's second book would be better worded as "Whatever these priests were", not "Whatever were these priests" - the latter would be used for questioning.
7. The "spark" effect when cutting objects looks a bit out of place in the artstyle, in my opinion.
8. Similar to Sang's response, the first part of the Symbol of Poison description would be better phrased "Your weapon applies poison damage over time to your target, lasting 4 seconds." Would also be nice to know how much damage the poison does.