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A member registered Dec 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Dude this is way to addictive. I have to stop after almost 36.000.000$. Was a fun experience :) 

so far, this is one of the best games I played for the Jam. Could not make it to the bazooka :(. What does the scythe do? I thought I could defend myhorse against the farmers o.O

I hope this will be the real wrap up video. Awesome idea. love it 5/5♥

omg, that was amazing 


I could not hold up to the demand, I looks very promising. I will keep track of it and hope to see more of it in the future.

I would love to see some extra levels in the future

Awesome Idea, but Fish's are Friends, not Food :)  So Except of Fishes as your enemies, which is more or less a creative choice, it is a nice game. I liked the face expression to express the health.

that's a pretty cool idea

Nice Easter Egg in the end :)

Wow, the Art  here is amazing!

Wow this one is amazing, I would love to see some more levels or maybe randomly arrange the different rooms. This one has a lot potential.

This is confusing, but a nice challange anyway. It is a nice Idea to have different controls by both characters. You did an awesome job there :)

yes you are right :). Minutes before submission we had a bug which destroyed the Score System :(. We are going to fix that after the voting period :) So everybody revieves a score of 0 :(

This one is amazing, hard but a lot of fun

I had a lot of fun with that. I loved to smash all those greed tacos

I absolutly agree with that. Was a fun experience :)

That was fun :) Feels like easy to learn and hard to master :)

I really like how the level resets itself nicely done.

Hey There, thank you for playing. Unfortunatly we took to long to create the swarm AI. The Score is supposed to increase by Seconds times Fishes which is not implemented yet.

So everybody is getting a 0 Score.

We are planning to Update the game after the voting period is over.

Looks like I really nice Game, but it is really confusing. Maybe a tutorial in the discription could help. I really like the idea and the looks

Hey there, was nice to play :)