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Cool idea, the freedom of scaling to whatever you want  adds some nice movement tech.

Here you go! 

Just to clarify, the long periods where I'm not moving is me not holding down any keys on my keyboard.

Yeah I did. It might have something to do with using incorrect keys? I was able to recreate it by spamming the general area around where I was and that was something I did. I can send you a video if you would like to see what it looks like.

Not bad for only 2 hours

Oh wow! I did encounter a bug if I ever accidentally took my fingers off the keyboard (It wouldn't end the game and I'd be stuck), but this is really good! I wish I wasn't so bad at it haha

Very creative and feels polished! Movement was a little hard for me to wrap my head around at times but overall great work!

Cool! I'm a total sucker for space related media. It's hard to not be overly critical since I love space so much and always want to see it done right. It was really amazing that you managed to make this in the time limit, especially in the browser. In an ideal world with a normal amount of time, it would be awesome to be able to make planets effect each others orbit, maybe even be able to make some of the smaller planets orbit the bigger ones like moons!

Funny little game, kept me entertained the whole way through with new stuff given to me to keep it fresh. Now I'm wondering how long it would take to crash if there was an endless mode haha

Really smart! Unfortunately, I am not... probably not my cup of tea since I'm so bad at puzzle games, but I still enjoyed it.

Fun! Reminds me of Tricky Towers. also has some pretty cool features too like the pile and glue, gives the game something unique.

REALLY good!

Fair, I started to lose my mind near the end. Also yes! You just need to deal 10 damage to the final boss. When you heal, you heal for 2, and they only deal 1 damage. This lets you alternate between the two.

Darnit! Of course the one time I give up early! User error is the worst... especially when its on me haha!

Very addicting, good work!

Cool game and nice concept, especially for only 12 hours. Definitely left me wanting more than 4 levels though.

I got more answers right when I just blindly guessed...

It was nice, but I found what I think is a bug and couldn't continue playing. 2 of the symbols from the cipher were the same, and when I put in what I believed the code to be,(Spoilers... "under"), it wouldn't proceed to obtaining the mech suit. Also It would have been nice if we could hold down a direction to move that way instead of having to tap the key so many times. 

Cool game but I think I got a bug. 2 of the symbols for the 3rd puzzle (to get the mech suit) are the same, and I can't input what I believe the code is. Spoilers : (I Think it is "under")

Good and clever with a nice amount of polish.