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A member registered Nov 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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The level design is very interesting, which makes this game quite fun to play!

Kind of wish there is background art so it can give more mood to the game, or maybe just simply use some readily available shader effect on might be a good idea.

In the beggining, I don't how to find the yellow sphere, until I read the the introduction, then I started to enjoy it, the slow motion and the cut sfx are very satisfying.
And this game reminds me of a game called FOTONICA.

Thanks for playing! Glad that you felt it's instresting!

Glad that you feel the difficulty is not too bad, I extremly want create some bullet hell game that I can enjoy playing, I really like touhou project series, but it might be too hard for me, I can only clear the easy mode for the most time.

Thanks for playing! I learned two new words in this reply, dope and thingies, lol.

Highscore is actually in consideration at the begining, but only the core mechanics I planned was completed, which makes me feel hard to design how to get points (maybe getting close to bullet? but I thought it could be confusing and also too hard for this game).

Very glad that you like the music, it's my first time trying to make some melody for a gamejam, also the first time give the music work some publication, it really encourages me to learn and do more.

Thanks for honest opinion on the music! I have little knowledge about the music theory, and I knew I have a lot to learn as a newbie of music making, and it's my first time trying to make some noise more than ten seconds.

Firstly, I have completely no idea for the music, I just want something can make player feel dangrous, then the classic zelda dungeon came into my mind, so I searched the video and copied its chords. That change into major at the end is for making player knew it's close to success, I knew it could a little abrupt. For the door, I just want to make it look like a dungeon, and I originally planned to make a cutscene that the player entered the room and the door closed, which I have no time for. The confusion it creats is unexpected for me.

Anyway, thanks for playing!

Yes, I also think it lacks some juice, I originally planned something like, pick up items, active skills, laser bullet, bomb throwing, and bullet bloom gfx, which might be too much for me in a week, I think if these are all done, it will definitely be more lively.

Very glad that you like the syncing which is my focus during this jam, it's my first time trying to do the the music syncing bullet, which forced me to make some music more than ten seconds (also the first time). The bullet style is in my mind during the music making (which took a whole day), after it's implemented I actually noticed that the dificulty curve is not very friendly.

Yes, I agree with the timer stuff, many things I planned are not in the final game because of the deadline. But the timer display was neglected the whole time.

Wow! it's a very unique one! Never thought a snake game could be made like this. I enjoy the gameplay and the level design, especially the moment that when the snake block its own way, you can control it to dive into water and then jump out. 

It's pretty fun to play, the control and the difficulty curve feels great! The art style is simple but the graphics effects makes it quite juicy! The best one I've ever played in this jam at the moment. Great job!

Pretty fun and originative! Great work!

Beautiful bullet pattern!

The third boss fight is very impressive! Can't believe it all these were made in one week. Execellent work!

Very rich gameplay, cool visual, I was a little shocked when see I got 274 deaths, level 11 is quite hard for me, definitely had fun with it! Great work!