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A member registered Dec 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Thank you!

You should probably lower the enemy's speed and damage, you could also add some visual or audial feedback when the player gets hurt. Well done!

Interesting idea. At the moment it feels too punishing. Maybe you could add checkpoints so when I die I don't have to do it all over again. You should definitely lower the size of the player's hitbox and the spike's hurt box because sometimes I would die and not even be touching the spike, it also makes the game more forgiving. The difficulty curve is also something you should work on. Well done! 

It won't start, I'm not sure why because there isn't any error message. Might be a me thing.

Thank you!

Thank you!

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Thank you! That's an interesting idea but I don't really see this as a speedruning game.

You could just upload the whole .pck/zip file to itch, it should work that way

This is pretty good. I think you should lower the amount of enemies at the beginning because at the moment it's very easy to die before I even get my 1st upgrade. There is also a bug where sometimes I couldn't move. Well done!

Thank you.

Thank you! It was my first time actually working with audio, I always steered away from it because I was terrified of sound design.

I'm not the best at puzzle games, it takes a long time for me to think of a more challenging puzzle. Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you like it!

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I love the visuals. I wish there was a difference between running and walking or maybe just a stamina bar to keep me from running the whole time. You could make it so walking makes you quieter so the monster has a harder time finding you. Well done!

I found a bunch of ammo boxes so I never really ran out of them, maybe I just got really lucky. I love the idea of using two guns at the same time, well executed!

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I downloaded it and it won't let me start it.

Double uzi is way too OP

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I love the visuals and how you creatively interpreted the theme. I wish there was more enemy and weapon variety, maybe a bomb, but it's still pretty fun. Well done!

Thank you! If I decide to expand on the project, I will certainly look into the lighting because I have gotten the same suggestion of making it darker during playtests.

Hope you like it!

Oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to make you feel that way. You're welcome!

Thank you very much! I wish I could've made more levels but I sadly ran out of time, might expand the game in the future.

Oh yeah, that's very interesting. Thank you for the suggestion

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I think the idea is good but you could work on the execution. I recommend adding coyote time, jump buffering and a variable jump. Coyote time makes it so when I leave the platform I have a small time frame during which I can still jump. Jump buffering means if I press jump right before I touch the ground, the game will remember it and once I touch the ground I will jump. Variable jump makes me jump higher when I'm holding jump and makes me jump lower when I tap jump. My explanations are not the best and I recommend you just search them up.

Yeah it was originally going to be like a fuse but I just didn't have enough time. Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it!

I spammed and crashed the game after leveling up to level 16. Good game.

Ok, thanks!

Does a mouse input count as a button?


Thanks for the feedback!


Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

This is a very tricky, turn based, puzzle game and if I saw a full version of this on itch or steam, I'd pay for it!

Thanks x3

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This is very fun, a bit hard, but I'm just bad with perfect timing.

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Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!