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A member registered May 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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when I move around, I start to understand that you switch to a "afterlife" when you touch the bush and turn into the Blackbox, but then when you make it up the stairs and push the rock, it goes off the cliff and when you move off the cliff there is no reset. So I don't know where the game goes from there

The purple pole, I just call it a ladder lol, but purple pole sounds much cooler. Thanks for the feedback!

I really enjoyed the rhythm gameplay the most, and the little story added there :)

yes guud

(1 edit)

Thxs for the feedback!

Sorry for the late reply! Here is my suggestion taking from the 2D Unity Course.

For my game I used a Velocity of the Rigidbody and multiplied it with the input of the keyboard. Afterward used a Math.f Method to make sure that the Velocity will always round out to a Whole Number. Here is the example code.

Vector2 moveInput;

Rigidbody2D myRigidBody;

[SerializeField] float runSpeed = 10f;

 Vector2 playerVelocity = new Vector2 (moveInput.x * runSpeed, myRigidBody.velocity.y);

        myRigidBody.velocity = playerVelocity;


        bool playerHasHorizontalSpeed = Mathf.Abs(myRigidBody.velocity.x) > Mathf.Epsilon;

Hope that helps a little. :)

Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I did see the fix to the main menu, but I still have no clue what the gameplay is? Either way good hotfix on the main menu

Yes, the music kicks the game up a notch!

Thank you! I lot of work and love went into the UI System, as I believe it is an essential part of every game as the player will see it 1st before anything else. Glad you enjoyed the bounce pads as much as I do too!

I originally thought to make a level 1 that showcases the controls, but I didn't want people to constantly loop to the tutorial level. When they died, so I created a How to Play Menu. But I realized that a lot of people like to hit Play before looking at other options, so I am going to remember to try to open up with some sort of tutorial lol. Thanks for the feedback though, definitely going to improve more on Accessibility options on my next game.

Same, need to think more like the players lol, cheers!

Yeah, I originally assumed everyone was going to be using the arrow keys not WASD, I was totally wrong lol. but, thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it!

Thxs man! Glad you enjoyed the music as much as I do, especially level 3, it's a whole bump. I assumed everyone was going to use the arrow keys, not WASD so that's why I set the B key as the shoot button lol

mistyped my high score is 110,000 lol

I see everyone enjoys the Soul Ladders thingies as much as I do! Thanks again for the extra feedback  :)

Really enjoyed the blood effects and enemy debris, adds to the whole GORE TANK experience. The gameplay loop is very smooth and the art design is very nice. The only other thing I would improve is the player starting with some ammo and getting more ammo for kills. Overall, I enjoyed the GORE the most, very well done!

Thanks, man, glad you enjoyed it! My top score is around 11000 , but I'm the developer lol

I like the artwork, but I didn't know where the gameplay started lol. And Brohmyr is right, even in full screen, the artwork is blocking the main menu.

I like the flying mechanics, I did have trouble with where to go next though. Overall, I enjoyed the concept!

I really the banana man and jumping mechanics. The only con would be a slow movement, if it was a tad faster the player would have more control. Overall, I enjoyed the concept!

I really enjoyed the mechanic of teleporting my player, the only con would be the pure difficulty of moving my dead head everywhere lol. Loved the music and sound design!

Game doesn't load yet, Please come back and fix this! I would love to play the game!

I enjoyed the quick controls, def a cool concept

Maybe we'll add it in the future, thxs for the feedback :)

I wasn't able to figure out the controls lol. So I didn't know how to fully play the game. I did enjoy watching the blobs go back and forth. Which was cool. Would like a better understanding of the controls.

Waiting for game to come out lol. Hopefully soon, Ping me when it does :)

I played the game and the movement was really difficult, I kept sliding everywhere when climbing up lol. Overall the concepts seem cool, just wish I had more control over the player more

I played the game and the movement was really difficult, I kept sliding everywhere when climbing up lol. Overall the concepts seem cool, just wish I had more control over the player more

The Mechanics sound cool, but I kinda just got lost entirely lol. Overall, would be cool to expand on this project

I really like the idea of editing the player on the fly. Wished there was more to play or experiment with! Overall cool concept!

The Mechanics and Theme are really cool! I wish the enemies weren't so spongey and the player had a little more health lol. Overall I enjoyed the game!

The game is short! I will love to play it more! I really enjoyed the art design as well

Checked out the Stream, glad you enjoyed my game! Cheers!

Really cool art design, basketball souls is really awesome! The only thing you need next is some audio! Overall very cool

Thanks man, alot of work was put into the game, shout to my boy Luka, for the camera work.  I'll tell him you said it was good!

I enjoyed the mechanics very much, the idea of jacking into other enemies and then unjacking was sick! I beat the 1st boss but got stuck on the platforming during the tank level. The only critique I have is faster or and better jump and movement controls when you are just a head.  To make it easier to get to other robots. Overall, I enjoyed the gameplay and mechanics!

I did get all the upgrades on my run, which was awesome! I would further improve them by having them drastically speed up or improve the player, then create levels where there are tons of enemies or the boss fight would have more health. Pretty much creating more chaos and increasing the loot pool drops for the circles.

I like the mechanics, the music, and the enemies were cool. The controls are a bit stiff and the death mechanic is very punishing lol. It would be cool if you can speed up the melee animations, that would improve the gameplay very much. Overall,  very fun concept!

Hey Guys, I downloaded the game, and currently, the start button is not working, so I wasn't able to play. I won't rate the game for now. so you guys can quickly bug fix the start button, I will rate it in the future :)