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Screaming at 3am

A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Bread becomes a new air headed character in the tavern, and he gives you items at random, which can occasionally be pretty good.

Besides that hes just a very cute side character atm, and I love him (Imo, tho i do understand that the item he drops is pretty good,) 

I mean you're entitled to your own opinion but if you think about it

Plot wise its very similar to Adastra

Also the other guy never said fbtw is bad

Neither did I

But i specifically said its not great

Its certainly not great

but fbtw has been taking a weird turn

With Kael taking an even weirder turn


nope, but once you find all 12 after that run through youll be taken to a completely new path

I just finshed the game 

So far password has become one of my top 3 favorite Vns, if not maybe my favourite in general.

I loved the way its written, and i love the way you have to really think and look for what you need, to get your preferred outcome.

Im amazed, but sad that its over(?)

Main story wise atleast.

I hope if I ever gave writing a try, that it'd be even half as good as this vn was.



without too much detail, can i get a clue on how to get to path B?

Ive done all the path a routes

And now im trying to find path B, but i keep getting path C

wise words 

Also wise words 

Gabriel is the most precious thing I have ever laid my eyes on

And the fennec fox that doesn't have a route yet looks pretty kewl

I'm gonna cry, I'm an android user T_T

Well atleast it'll still be available in a couple hours.


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The life is strange game series is so good

One of my favourite games.

I can agree with your statement good sir.


Kudzu when you pick Leo over him

Yayyyyy :D

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(Spoilers? Maybe)

Devon's route honestly hits really close to home especially since I'm from Ohio and had similar experiences.

All in all

Devon needs a big hug

(I can't believe I failed so hard at typing this, I need me some sleep)


This person is trying to kill me with the funni

Your username made this comment all the more funnier

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Ahh, my bad

I'm pretty sure you can download the pc version, then unzip/extract it, and find the music file(s) in there.


But I dont think you can find it on Spotify or YouTube 

Who needs legs when you can f l o a t.

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If you're asking where you can find it withing the game, It would be at the part where you can choose who to hang out with, like Jørgen and Travis, then if you leave without saying much to them you can head into Mikko's room and he'll show you the song.

If your asking like within game files, that's not my area of expertise, as I'm on mobile

I need to stop playing this game at night, the soundtrack just makes me pass out.

(The soundtrack is beautiful)

Until fragrance,

I think


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Bruh that one song in the nightmare slaps sooo hard, (I think it was labeled as "Heavy5" not really sure.)

I really want to do a remix of it.

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Tyson's route never fails to give me a good case of whiplash, 

(still luv him tho)

My brain feels like it's running on Windows XP after I read this update.

Also p a i n


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Really loved the update,

Personally think it could've went without the nsfw part, but was still very enjoyable to read

(I mean I still liked that part, but it could've gone without it and still be a great update)

Jfc this end to chapter 7 gave me whiplash 

But I enjoyed it alot

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He was talking about bjørn

In Bjørn's route 

He said that Travis entered his literary piece in his name without his knowledge.

Um where is the download button?

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The line 

The best line of this Vn

"Not to be asexual or anything, but could you please put on a towel?"


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Is there the off chance he was talking about a patreon build?

Nvm re-read the post

(I'm very sleep deprived)

For sure

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I'm only "slightly" heartbroken from this Vn

(That means you done a great job btw)

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I finally caught up myself on this Vn 

the tbc in the current Tai route is evil

(Jk I just really like his route)

I honestly love the title music

So peaceful