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A member registered May 17, 2014 · View creator page →

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a thumbnail would get you more players?

This is entered into 3 other jams and I'm still not seeing which of the 3 themes your are doing... Swamp Core? Fall? Arcade? Doesn't seem to fit in any of the 3...

you need to pick and do one of the 3 themes

the game you submitted was published back in January and doesn’t really fit the jam theme


Did you happen to use the Popochiu plugin for Godot?

Can't wait to play! Looks awesome!

I would love to have you on board! I’m hoping on doing 2 entries.   You could choose which one you vibe with?

Dang! That was FAST! This game is PRO!

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Please allow switch to full screen? The web version scroll uses the same cursor keys. I know WASD avoids this but I'm not a lefty for timed actions. 

has anybody updated your TTS to work on iOS yet?

Also, I need to have a scene with an ORTHOGRAPHIC camera view. How can I do that?

Really like this! Paid the $5. Worth it!
I'm using Create Objects from LAYOUT in my scenes and notice when I PAUSE & go to another scene...   objects from the previous scene transfer...   and when I RETURN to the original scene it crashes

my pleasure! Whatever you need!

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Expand the Damage section

Sure! Which version? Fusion, GDevelop or Construct 3 ?


I'm so sorry to hijack this thread @leafo!!!   I am a game design teacher hosting a jam with an emergency and my previous attempts to get this resoled soon have failed (Discord,, etc), My jam ended yesterday and the results are not showing. It's the last 2 days of school and I need to award the winners. Please help!

It's broke :(

I think I'm ready now to help my friends bury bodies!

Can't wait to see where this goes!

Liked the cozily destructible buildings!

Can't wait to see where this goes!

Cozy Jam Fav Pick!

Cozy Jam community · Created a new topic Vote vote vote!

well, sadly, we would’ve had nine entries but 2 had major last minute issues just before the 2nd deadline.  would’ve been nice to have them included, but thanks anyway for trying!!!


Hey Matt! Hoping you'll update this in time for the jam so you're not disqualified :)

It's the FINAL countdown!

Just waiting for Zane, Carson, Tyler, and Matthew (update) 

Cozy Jam community · Created a new topic Don't forget!

 Deadline for submissions is Monday midnight! Those of you we extended this for (you know who you are)... don't make me cry! 😎🙏🏽🥹

Due to's major server outage today AND knowledge of at least 3 teams needing "just a bit more time" I have extended the jam another week >> Midnight Monday June 3rd .    So, NO EXCUSES NOW! Get in those COZY entries you slackers! 😎
To guarantee full prize money (10 submissions) I submitted a few of my own "extra" old cozy games as entries. If we get more than 10 I will remove them prior to voting...

I know broom-fu!

Hey! You won 2nd place in the Heaven Jam and I need your PayPal email unless you want your winnings donated to

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As concern was voiced over the results and weighting, 2nd and 3rd got swapped and the negatively affected party fully agrees to the updated winners list. Just waiting for someone from Fated Seal to arrange PayPal prize transfer.