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A member registered Oct 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really quite enjoyable experience with solid mechanics and a fun (Read: sad) story. Fantastic understanding of the scope for a game jam.

Hey man, if you're still available I have a building I'd love your help with.
Feel free to get in touch! Thanks!

Hey there, I may be able to help you with this as it sounds quite interesting and would be something new for me.
My one concern is that something like this would require quite a lot of art even for something short and simple.
If you're interested, you can reach out on Discord and we can discuss further: magnivoxnvgtr

Alright, great!
If you'd like, I have an FPS which could use a trailer.
You can add me on Discord to further discuss:  magnivoxnvgtr 

Hey there!
What do you usually require in order to put together the trailer? 
Do you just need some scenes and some gameplay or do you take 3D levels and get the shots yourself? 
What is your usual process for this?

This is great!
I have an FPS I'm working on that just needs a few more tracks for the levels but they're a bit more orchestral and jazzy- I don't know if that's outside of what you're creating though?

Hey there! Do you have a sample of your music? Thanks!

(2 edits)


I just uploaded my new RPG Islands of Salt and I'd love for people to try it. This is a one man job and everything (Except for some of the art) was done by me so please excuse any bugs or issues you may see, though feel free to report them if you like so that I can fix them.

Hopefully you guys enjoy it! Personally, I'm really happy with how most of the music turned out.

Here's the link:

Thanks fore giving the game a go- there are a few small things I need to fix still but I'm glad you enjoyed the game.