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1 thing you could have done that'd make the game more interesting, would be to allow players to get back towards left from right, even though that is not posible with the current level design, I think you could have implemented a sort of cliping glitch that allowed the player to get back and end the level.

Also I was streaming the games from this jam on stream yesterday leaving reviews and ratings on each one. Apperantly the game was frozen on the stream. I think that might be related to the cursor disapearing.

For the undertale part, the part where I felt the hitbox difference the most were the blue attacks, as to me it'd look like I was outside of the blue attack and yet I'd still be dammaged. If I remember correctly, if the heart were to barely fit in a 16 by 16 box, the hitbox should be about 8 by 8 (I don't exactly know, but playing around with it a few times should allow you to come up with a good size.

Overall I really liked the story and was frustrated that the mechanichs didn't allow me to enjoy the game to the degree that I'd hoped it'd.

If you wanna see the vod of the stream, my twitch is Subhambh.

It would have been nicer to just have a screen saying thank you for playing rather than completely quiting, just a white box with thank you text. Atleast that's what I think, either way it's a nice game, I think this can be plenty popular if you can get it to work on mobile, a sort of timepass game.

(1 edit)

The cursor doesn't show up on windows version on my pc. I couldn't beat the last boss.

For the parkour section it seems the second jump starts after the player starts going downwards, it ends up making the timing flawed, and the double jump can seem a little unresponsive. It would also be nice to have a indicator as to when I can dash. I think the double jump should be timing based and not based on your y velocity.

The undertale section it seems the entire heart is a hitbox, it caught me of gaurd as in normal undertale the hitbox is smaller than the heart considerably so. The blue soul is too floaty for the final precise jumps.

The final boss seems fine if I had my cursor.

The game is pretty good other than these issues I had, I think a bit more polish can make this a master piece. It also has a decent amount of content, which is nice to experience and I quite like the way the story is told.

Good game but not for me.

In some areas it seems like I can't leave. This is funny somehow, donno what else to say.

Is the game supposed to close at the end? Other than that pretty nice, although sound can be improved.

Are you even supposed to kill any enemies? I guess the controls pretty broken huh? This fits the theme alright.

Ahh you made the same mistake I did on my first jam.

Can you describe what happens? Maybe it is a anti virus issue? I'd be happy to help you to get it to work. Have you tried playing the html version? Also if you are playing the html version, certain extension can make it so you are unable to use the controls.