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We have just launched Aozora Gem, a puzzle game whose goal is to fill a grid with a set of randomly-generated shapes. Completing a grid takes the player to the next level. The faster players completes level, the more time they accumulate for the next one. The game has a finite number of level and we estimate that a good player could complete it in about 3-5 hours.

A friend who helped us test the game suggested it could be decent speedrunning material. What do you think? The things I'm not sure about (but then again, I'm not particularly informed on the subject):

  1. The game does require skill that can be honed by playing, but levels are always randomly generated. Could this be an issue? I.e. are more deterministic games better speedrunning candidates?
  2. Game session length. Is 3-5h too long?

This is a gameplay video to give an idea of a typical session.

I'm not 100% certain what makes a good candidate to pick the speedrunning community's interest, so any feedback on what could be improved in this context would be welcome. Thanks!

So glad you had fun! Agree some levels can be tricky 😁

We are looking to publish a MacOS build in the next few days 🙂

(1 edit)

We are launching a brand new, old-school puzzle game with a simple goal: place shapes on a grid. Complete the grid to move to the next level!

We want to create a relaxing puzzle game that can get pretty difficult in the late stage :)  We would love to appeal to casual gamers, as well as speedrunners and those who always seek to beat the high score! The game is in late development, almost done :) You can play for free in the browser.

We would love feedback, but most importantly we would love for you to have fun with our game :)