I absolutely love hating this game !
You can trust this cute cat, 10/10 will work for them again.
Great game , especially for a jam ! This type of game are generally in coop so it was a much challenging experience.
Its oddly satisfying to make the bot climb !
And as others wrote, it was difficult to understand at first what to do and how to find the machines, but after a couple of try it's become clear. (Classic Jam problem haha)
The art style is really clean, the opening menu illustration is SO great. But It was hard for me to enjoy playing, even with the tutorial Gif, it was difficult to understand why the map was going one side or the other and I loosed everytime with the 2nd or 3thr gem in hand. But the core idea is great.
The choice that this concept give is super interesting ! I initially thought my merge were going to carry on the next battle, and I was "OMG this could SCALE so much" !
But as it is, it's still fun and a bit challenging ! I need to understand more the balance to meet the boss. First run 2win, 2nd 3Win, I don't have the best strategy right now ^^
I finished all 65 levels in 3 stars! (Android version)
I'd advise anyone who visits this page to try out the game.
Here's an enthusiastic feedback: I expected to test a little arcade game of brick-breaker in space, and I ended up following a very likeable character in a rather personal story. We follow Sunny through the discovery of original gameplay mechanics. And the game challenge us with boss battles that are as good as they are unexpected for a game of this genre. I remember the names of the bosses and the issues they bring in Sunny's journey, and that's a real marker of success.
Congrats for this project, and thanks for the PostMortem.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
J'ai fini les 65 niveaux en 3 étoiles ! (version Android)
Je conseille toute personne qui passe par cette page de tester le jeu.
Voici un retour enthousiaste : On s'attend à tester un petit jeu arcade de casse brique dans l'espace, et on finit par suivre un personnage très attachant dans une histoire assez personnelle. On suit Sunny via la découverte de mécaniques de gameplay super variées à mettre en pratique dans des combats de boss aussi bons que inattendus pour un jeu de ce genre. Je me souviens des noms des boss et de la problématique qu'ils soulèvent chacun dans le parcours de Sunny, et ça c'est vraiment un marqueur de réussite.
Bravo pour ce projet, et merci pour le PostMortem !
Count me in !
Ravis de mettre mes mains sur les 65 niveaux ! Même si cela veut dire devoir faire l'expérience de la "Mauvaise" fin :'(
Ton travail est super inspirant, il n'y a pas beaucoup de personne qui ont cette ambition d'apprendre le game dev et qui vont au bout d'un projet !
Bon courage pour la fin et à plus tard pour les feedback :)