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A member registered Mar 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey Chaslinux,

first of all let me thank you for playing and testing my game. I appreciate that a lot! I also want to thank you for your detailed feedback and the time you took to write it and even insert all the screenshots :) Thank you!

Then I have to say sorry for the message "This is not how you play" is just a placeholder for now :D It should be later exchanged with funny comments and should give some hints to improve for example. Actually since it is a very early prototype I haven't even thought about introducing the controls or telling something about the game. I think I should add a small tutorial thanks for that tip.

Network should already work, but the problem is of course there aren't any players yet. I have to get more people playing so we could test out the network feature :) Otherwise the game server will match you with an AI after 15-30 seconds.

As far as cross platform development goes of course I could release it easily on multiple platforms, but I think this also comes with the right distribution. While I think mobile is more like free to play with buyable skins I think PC is more like buy it one time, but I could be wrong here.

Thank you very much!


Hey everyone!

Today, I followed the advice of a fellow developer and published my early prototype on because I stuck somewhere in the middle of the development. The game was actually planned as a mobile game, but I recently lost all my faith into the mobile market and I am also not a big fan of mobile games in general.

On the other hand I play a lot on PC and so I wanted to shift the focus of the game to PC. I am not sure at this point if it is even possible, because there are some problems. This is why I created the project today. I hope some of you are willing to play and test it with me together. Since it is a multiplayer game maybe we get matched together :)

The purpose of the project is to port the game to PC and make it viable :) Happy sliding :)


I just wanted to announce my latest patch, which brings a complete new look and feel to Timbertales. We changed from f2p to paid version with everything included. 

Timbertales Store Entry